Greg Mathis Charter High School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by ensuring that our standards and assessments, curriculum and instruction, professional development and learning environment are structured so that critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity are developmentally appropriate and sustained. Our school delivers a high quality and individualized learning experience for all students, while at the same time focusing on each student’s social and emotional well-being. We ensure that our teachers are fully prepared to deliver high quality instruction by engaging them in continuous differentiated professional development in areas such as restorative practices, differentiating instruction, student engagement and using data to teach prescriptively and close learning gaps. Our school is working to improve literacy in order to meet the district’s goal of all children reading on grade level by creating school-wide literacy goals surrounding teaching students key reading and comprehension skills, alongside helping them learn how to effectively conduct text-dependent analysis in every classroom across all disciplines. Our teachers are able to use performance data to determine instructional gaps and implement independent tools that are teacher driven so that students can be placed into flexible groups and learning centers in order to meet each student’s need based on the progress monitoring data.
It is a key goal of our school that students are able to graduate with the ability to identify and solve complex problems, think critically about information, collaborate effectively in teams and communicate clearly about their thinking. Our teachers use integrative thinking, ladders of inference and the growth mindset to encourage students to examine multiple viewpoints and critically assess problems to determine viable alternatives. As a result of the focus and support that we provide students as an Alternative Education Campus, 84.6% of our seniors graduated in June 2022. The growth made in the core subject areas supports the fact that the academic interventions that are implemented school-wide are effective in reducing proficiency gaps. Adhering to current strategies and maximizing our opportunities for growth will help us to achieve even more growth in 2023.
Natrice I. Henriques, Principal
Darrell Chaplin, SIC Chairman
Evola Dawson, Board Chairman