Woodland Heights Elementary is helping all students develop world class skills and life and career characteristics through a rigorous curriculum in an innovative and creative environment. Woodland Heights Elementary completed their eighteenth year as an Arts in Basic Curriculum site. This honor allows Woodland Heights to provide many wonderful arts experiences for students, parents and teachers. Students in each grade level host yearly programs for parents, students, and faculty to enjoy. Several artists in residence provided week long experiences for students and faculty. Additionally, the school was able to offer a 24 week drama residency for grades 3 – 5 focusing on creative writing. Teachers utilized the arts in the classroom while creatively teaching core academic subjects to provide students with a stronger understanding of skills and concepts. The Project Based Learning approach provided students with higher-order thinking opportunities, problem-solving strategies and real world experiences. The school’s ABC site recognition came with $12,500.00 in grant funds while the Distinguished Arts Program (DAP) came with $18,000.00 in grant funds. Additionally, the school was selected as the 2015-16 SC Arts Alliance School of Excellence. WHES is proud of their commitment to the arts!
An experienced and award winning faculty and staff help to create an innovative learning environment for children. Teachers write many grants to secure a variety of instructional tools and materials. The principal just completed her fourth year after working in the school for the previous five years as the assistant principal and is dedicated to a continued tradition of excellence. Approximately 80% of teachers have advanced degrees and seek out a variety of professional development to further their knowledge and skills in teaching. WHES has a strong and innovative faculty and staff.
Parents have many opportunities to visit the school, conference with teachers, and have a voice in giving feedback and making decisions. An active School Improvement Council (SIC), Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), and Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Steering Committee as well as numerous business partnerships help to evaluate, plan, guide and create student and school success and growth. WHES PTO provided many extra items to enrich instruction through theme day funds, PE equipment, literature, reading incentives and many extra supplies and materials. The active School Improvement Council (SIC) guided the school’s growth in instructional and community relationships. The ABC committee evaluates the growth toward arts related goals and adjusts the flexible arts plan as needed. Each group has a very important role and takes every opportunity to make the entire faculty and staff feel supported and appreciated.
Students participated in numerous activities to promote leadership such as Student Council, Hero Helpers, Super Citizens, and Terrific Kids. Additionally, WHES provided a free summer reading camp where students received reading, writing, math, and STEM experiences in order to continue to close the learning gaps seen after COVID-19. WHES is proud to boast a substantial increase in their SC Ready ELA scores for the 2022-2023 school year. In 2022, 28% of third through fifth grade students at WHES met or exceeded expectations in ELA. That percentage increased to 42% in 2023. WHES is making great strides in increasing the number of students meeting and exceeding expectations.
Woodland Heights Elementary students have had an exciting year of learning and look forward to the many new experiences next year will bring! Woodland Heights Elementary faculty and staff always keep in mind the school motto, “Always for Children”, and provide an engaging learning environment for students.
Principal, Julie Brown SIC, Thomas Massey