River Bluff High School continued to build on a decade of excellence and student achievement during the 2023–24 school year to ensure that all students develop the World-Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by emphasizing critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity as essential components to every aspect of the teaching and learning model. RBHS has a thriving school culture combined with a dedication to academic excellence, character development and student success. Our culture, school design and collective commitments prepare our students for success in any college or career path.
This year, RBHS proudly recognized 523 student graduates who, combined, secured an impressive $67,997,474 in college scholarship funds. Our students shine. They are not only college- and career-ready, they are also good people with strong habits of character that put their skills to use as contributors to a better world.
The outstanding success of RBHS students is a testament to the dedication of our talented, innovative staff that works tirelessly to implement a rigorous teaching and learning model focused on student mastery of knowledge and skill, development of character, and the production of high-quality work. RBHS students are engaged in a curriculum that challenges them to develop as effective learners and ethical people who are empowered with the skills and desire to contribute to a better world. RBHS students learn and grow what we define as Habits of Success over their four years as learners on our campus. Our habits include collaboration, excellence, a growth mindset, citizenship, and personal responsibility. The teaching and learning experiences our students are exposed to target skill development aligned with our Habits of Success and engage students in real-world, authentic experiences that challenge them to think critically about relevant issues, collaborate to create meaningful products, and reflect often as owners of their learning and progress.
RBHS students are high-functioning collaborators and leaders of their learning. Our school’s flexible modular schedule design and curriculum structure foster collaboration and allow students to share their voices and skills as they work alongside others in the pursuit of academic excellence. The flexible modular schedule provides students with independent learning time in their day in which students are not in a scheduled class and must learn to manage their time and communicate with adults while also being held to high expectations of quality work production alongside their peers. Instructional practices at RBHS incorporate protocols and collaborative structures for daily learning that eliminate teacher-driven lessons and by engaging students in opportunities to develop inquiry questions, research together and produce solutions as a group. Our staff also models this practice in their own professional learning. Teachers are engaged in faculty cohorts that are structured in an interdisciplinary format. These professional learning communities provide space for staff to practice collaboration and critical thinking as they work together to create innovative solutions and instructional strategies to support the achievement of all students in their classrooms.
We are confident our students embody the skills outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate as our students continue to excel and outperform our expectations as leaders of their own learning.
Jacob Smith, Principal
Jeff Brown, SIC Chair