School Quality

North Augusta High School

Note on missing data: On March 26, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education waived federal accountability requirements and granted flexibility in administering assessments due to COVID-19. The results displayed within this report card should not be compared to those of other years due to the testing limitations as a result of the pandemic. In addition, these results may be incomplete and may not be representative of the make-up of the State, district, or school population.

Student Engagement

Additional Information

Our School Change from Last Year
Percent of Students (7th and 8th grade) enrolled in high school credit courses N/AV N/A
Percent of students served by gifted and talented program 26.5 Down from 39.7
Percent of students retained 1.4 Down from 2.8
Principal's/Superintendent's/Director's years at school/district 8 No change
Percent of classrooms with wireless access 100 No change
Percent of students served by 1:1 learning 100 Up from 0
Chronic Absenteeism Rate (Note: Data are from prior school year) 12.1 Down from 21.1
Percent of 8th Graders with Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) N/AV N/A

Results of Teacher, Student, and Parent Opinion Surveys

Teachers Students Parents
Number of surveys returned 80 120 124
Percent satisfied with learning environment 93.8%
Percent satisfied with social and physical environment 93.8%
Percent satisfied with school-home relations 85.1%