School Quality

Greg Mathis Charter High School

Student Engagement

Percentage of Students Scoring "Committed" on Student Engagement Survey 72.2%

Domains of School Engagement

Cognitive 86.1%
Behavioral 61.1%
Emotional 69.4%

Participation Rate

(Note: if fewer than 80% of the students participated in the survey, the "Total Percent Committed" was lowered prior to calculating a rating. For more information about the methodology, please see the EOC Accountability Manual.)

Additional Information

Our School Change from Last Year
Percent of students served by gifted and talented program 6.8 N/A
Percent of students retained 10.5 Down from 12.3
Principal's/Superintendent's/Director's years at school/district 3 Up from 2
Percent of classrooms with wireless access 100 N/A
Percent of students served by 1:1 learning 100 N/A
Chronic Absenteeism Rate 61.0 N/A

Results of Teacher, Student, and Parent Opinion Surveys

Teachers Students Parents
Number of surveys returned 6 7 2
Percent satisfied with learning environment 33.3%
Data N/A
Data N/A
Percent satisfied with social and physical environment 0%
Data N/A
Data N/A
Percent satisfied with school-home relations 0%
Data N/A
Data N/A