Florence County School District Five is a small rural district located in Johnsonville SC. The school district, in partnership with parents, students board members, and community, is a safe, welcoming, and student- centered environment. Florence Five staff members are dedicated to helping all students meet performance expectations through engaging classes and meaningful experiences to achieve their full learning potential. As our motto states, we strive to meet the needs of “every child every day”.
Through the implementation of rigorous standards in all core academic subjects, we are helping our students develop the world class skills and meet the expectations outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Assuring that our students are career and college ready is a priority in Florence School District Five. Our district has implemented several research-based programs and strategies to help our students develop the skills they need to be successful, as well as provide the professional development our teachers need to be successful. All of our schools focus on the use of data to better customize learning for students and to guide instruction. Through the focus on Backward by Design, our educators are ensuring that our students receive the rigorous instruction necessary to meet the needs of the rigor in both formative and summative assessments.
In grades K-8, I ready is used both as a diagnostic tool and a pathway for personalized learning and intervention. Interventionists, provided through ESSER funding, allow those students who need more one to one intervention to receive the assistance they need. Extra time is devoted to ensuring that our students receive the necessary instruction in both ELA and Math. Through implementation of the MTSS framework with fidelity, we ensure that all students get the assistance they need, in the area they need, when they need it. While our elementary school is focused on building a solid foundation for our students, our middle school is focused on enhancing that academic rigor. In grades 9-12, students are offered dual enrollment opportunities off campus, as well as Career and Technology courses on-site. Career development facilitators and school counselors work closely with our students to ensure that they develop a career pathway and enroll appropriately in the courses they need to fulfill this learning pathway. Our school district also offers adult education with both diploma and GED programs to help those in our area that need this alternative opportunity.
In regards to extra-curricular activities, the elementary level offers an after-school program through 21st century funding to allow students opportunities for sports clubs, activities, and homework help. The middle and high school both provide extra-curricular opportunities in theater, academics, athletics, and music. Our theater-arts program hosts two huge productions each year and has grown to include students of all ages.
With the dedication, commitment, and support of all stakeholders, Florence School District Five continues to strive for excellence. Providing quality educational and extra-curricular opportunities for all students is our priority. For more information on Florence County School District Five, please visit www.fsd5.org.