Shaw Heights Elementary is a public Title I school located on Shaw Air Force Base. Our school serves both military and non-military families. We strive to create a warm, nurturing environment for our students to excel and achieve in all areas. Many parent involvement opportunities are implemented throughout the school year. Teachers work collaboratively with parents to ensure that all children have a positive learning experience. Our School Improvement Council has made a commitment to provide support for the school’s mission and performance goals and to encourage the involvement of the community.
Traditionally, Shaw Heights’ third grade students perform above district achievement levels on end-of-year required assessments. An analysis of the results of 2021 SC READY testing, shows that this trend continued. On the math assessment, 41.1% of our third grade students met or exceeded expectations, as compared to 30.6% of Sumter School District’s third grade students. On the English assessment, 40.6% of our students met or exceeded expectations, as compared to 34.2% of our district’s third graders. In addition, 53% of our current second grade students are on-track to meet expectations for grade 3 in mathematics and 38% in English Language Arts.
Teachers, students, faculty, parents, and community members share in celebrating our successes. Some of the steps taken to ensure our students are achieving at a high level include correlating our curriculum with the state standards, participating in on-going professional development, providing intervention in reading and math, providing inclusion challenge classes, utilizing educational software programs, participating in Leader in Me, and a providing a variety of parent involvement activities. We also involve our students in community service projects such as March of Dimes, Salvation Army canned food drive, choir performances in the community, Shower Shaw with Cookies/Cards, and Relay for Life.
Shaw Heights Elementary faculty and staff are dedicated to the mission of educating all children to their highest potential. Our school is working to ensure all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by focusing on appropriate academic planning and instruction to improve the achievement of each child attending our school.