Homeland Park Primary School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the South Carolina graduate by providing a nurturing and challenging problem-based learning environment focused on the advancement of science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics and literacy.
Since opening its doors in 1954, Homeland Park School has built a tradition of excellence in the Anderson community. At our school, children are held accountable to high standards of achievement, parents and other visitors are always welcome, teachers and staff truly care about our children and the students help others by always doing “the right thing.”
Today, our school continues to carry on its tradition of academic excellence and innovative programs. Homeland Park Primary in Anderson School District Five is dedicated to STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Our school provides a foundation to the district’s middle and high school engineering programs. Partnerships with Clemson University, Anderson University and Tri-County Technical College afford authentic STEAM learning opportunities for our students.
In addition, “Morning STEAM” sessions focus on literacy based engineering activities and team students with their parents and community partners in problem solving situations. Project Lead the Way engineering practices and standards are integrated into the kindergarten through second grade core curriculum to teach students the skills necessary to compete in the 21st Century. Furthermore, all students in grades K-2 receive bi-weekly instruction from a PLTW “Project Launch” certified instructor. In addition to exposing our students to the engineering design process, this opportunity ignites interest and confidence, fosters collaboration, and builds critical thinking skills. At Homeland Park Primary, we are “Inventing Tomorrow through the Power of STEAM!”
This past school year, several new and continuing initiatives were implemented to improve instruction, student recognition, and family networking:
All teachers were trained and provided materials for the two year LETRS training.
Teachers implemented daily math journaling and math talks to improve number sense.
Students received intervention assistance through pull-out and “in class” LLI groups, resource, speech, and a summer enrichment program.
All students received copies of Stella Diaz Has Something to Say and Pirates Past Noon , they participated in our “Family Book Clubs.” The children read the books at home with their parents and were rewarded for their efforts.
Outstanding student behavior was recognized through the “Sweet Kids'' program. Students received recognition on the morning announcements, a special book bag tag, and a treat with the principals.
Family engagement activities were weekly one-class “Morning STEAM” sessions to build stronger relationships with families.
Everyone had fun networking at our “Homeland Park Spooktacular.” The teachers and other staff members wore costumes as students went “trick-or-treating” around the building. This provided a safe, enjoyable way for the children to enjoy the season!
Partnerships with The United Way, Rotary Club of Anderson, Grace Church, Plastic Omnium, Peace Church and Anderson University provided classroom resources, as well as tutoring/mentoring opportunities, to enhance student instruction.
Finally, we believe the school, family and community must share in the responsibility of educating our youth. Thank you for all of your support in helping in the development of our future South Carolina graduates and world leaders!
Mrs. Brittany Mendaz, SIC Chair/Title I Planning Member
Mrs. Elizabeth Bowen, Principal