Spartanburg Preparatory School is committed to helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by individualizing instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners and ensuring we are reaching students where they are academically, emotionally, and socially. Our school's vision is for every student to become a lifelong learner, a productive citizen who respects self and others, and a positive influence on the world.
We provide an array of educational opportunities that equip each student with World Class Knowledge. Some of these include one to one technology, educational field trips, and a rigorous curriculum that infuses real world application. We also offer a foreign language to students beginning in kindergarten and offer high school credit courses to our 8th graders in Algebra, Geometry, and English. Spartanburg Prep's educational philosophy supports the premise that all teachers shall infuse critical thinking into their instruction at all levels, and in all subjects, during each and every instructional day. Spartanburg Prep has implemented the "Inquiry Based" approach to instruction, and allows students to be active learners. By utilizing research and evidence-based approaches to education, we continuously strive to improve teacher effectiveness, higher student achievement and improved school climate.
We understand the importance of ensuring students have the skills to be able to effectively navigate the world. To address World Class Skills, we allow numerous opportunities for students to collaborate and encourage creativity in all students. Our classrooms embody twenty-first century learning in action. We encourage technology to be used to enhance instruction and our inquiry based approach encourages students to think critically and engage in problem solving individually and collaboratively. Communication is also a key component of helping students develop World Class Skills and we offer students several opportunities to develop their communication skills such as the school morning announcements, class project presentations, school leadership opportunities, Student Council, and Beta Club.
Successful education produces good citizens. One of the main goals of SPS is to produce motivated, honest, hard-working, productive citizens of this world. We are addressing Life and Career Characteristics by instilling in students characteristics such as integrity, self-direction, global perspective, and perseverance. Through evidence based SEL programs which allow for consistent character education instruction we are helping students develop the interpersonal skills that will allow them to be citizens of the world that excel in any situation.
Learning is a lifelong process and Spartanburg Preparatory School is committed to excellence for all students! We will continue to strive to establish a pattern for lifelong learning by creating productive citizens with World Class Knowledge, World Class Skills, and admirable Life and Career Characteristics.