McCracken Middle School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing rich personalized learning opportunities through rigorous course work, collaborative and hands on experiential learning, developing powerful student-teacher relationships, and creating intensive enrichment learning experiences designed to increase student achievement along with college and career readiness.
Throughout the building and school year our students engaged in hands on collaborative learning experiences, science labs, school assemblies, awards day, I Ready celebrations, pep rallies, field trips, and many other activities which contribute to the development of the South Carolina Graduate along with the development of a well-rounded student. It was refreshing a wonderful year for our community of learners.
Our phenomenal PTSO supported our students and teachers through special fun days for children and celebrations for our teachers. Their ability to create experiences that made us all feel appreciated and valued. Our parents helped with student supervision and provided opportunities for our teachers to take a needed break from their routine duties. These days were invaluable for the feeling tone of the school. The themes, decorations, attention to every detail and creative energy that was poured into these events was amazing. They provide so much of the support that we need to accomplish great things at MMS.
All of our students worked very hard this year to meet their I Ready goals and to bridge achievement gap. With each nine weeks we marked this milestone with fun celebrations to recognize these accomplishments and to encourage them to continue to strive for excellence. Many of our students rose to this challenge and that has been reflected in their academic gains this year.
Our band, orchestra, and chorus programs flourished this year with region participants and Concert Performance Assessments. These groups earned Superior ratings With Distinction. This is the highest honor and score any group can earn. We could not be prouder of these students and teachers for the work, dedication and perseverance they demonstrated throughout the year. We love that these students have found a niche in which to thrive and to grow in middle school and beyond.
Our athletic teams also garnered many awards this year in conference play. Our football team placed in the Peachtree Conference regular season. The boys basketball team led by Coach Fowler placed second in the conference and had a tremendous season. Our girls basketball team led by Coach Kennedy continues to grow and shine. Our volleyball team led by Coach Laws had a strong season placing third in the conference. Our wrestling team under the leadership of Coach Purdy did exceedingly well this year. We are so very proud of all of our students and coaches along with the families of our players who supported us in such a grand way.
Our Black History Bowl Team once again competed very well at the Spartanburg County Bowl. They did an amazing job preparing for weeks prior to the competition. Their coaches Mr. Seay and Mr. Stevens worked very hard to prepare our students. We could not ask for a stronger team or coaches in this endeavor. We are all so very proud of this accomplishment.
Our immense thanks and appreciation go to our phenomenal staff, our great students and community, parents, PTSO, district level staff and our Board of Trustees for providing the necessary supports to make these accomplishments possible. Truly it is a team effort, and we are decidedly the beneficiaries of these generous gifts. We are indeed fortunate to work and learn in such an amazing school district who serve as wonderful ambassadors for our school.
With Eagle Pride,
Telena Woody, Principal