At Simmons-Pinckney Middle School, we are dedicated to assisting our scholars in acquiring the vital, world-class competencies, and qualities for life and career, as outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Specifically, our schoolwide implementation of AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is critical in developing our scholars' ability to think critically and collaboratively. In addition, the academic skills needed by our scholars must be delivered in a safe environment, affirming positive behaviors and cognizance of our scholars' social and emotional needs. Our institution takes pride in its commitment to our scholars' well-being. We provide them with daily dedicated time to foster the development of their soft skills and cultivate meaningful relationships.
We recognize the need for each student to have proficient literacy skills. We provide each student with quality classroom content in ELA classes. We support scholars needing additional time to develop those skills with scheduled intervention classes. We also provide access to reading extension programs like the Institute of Reading Development through Clemson University. We empower our scholars to know and own their data through small learning communities that reinforce AVID skills and develop interpersonal skills. We aim to build and maintain relationships that help our scholars develop strong literacy skills critical to being productive members of society.
We partner with diverse sectors to bring various experiences to our scholars and educators, such as the Charleston Promise Neighborhood, Charleston Recreation Department, and TeacherLove Project. We also have worked to create a robust vertical articulation feeder pattern through our participation in the District 20 Principal Collaboration Program. As an Acceleration School, we prioritize talent development to enhance our teachers' skills and enable positive outcomes for every student.
We are committed to doing our part to see each scholar prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities that life will bring. We are excited to share this journey with our scholars and families. We appreciate the support our community provides for this generation of scholars.
Stephanie Spann, Principal
Eduardo Curry Jr., SIC Chair