Children must be knowledgeable when they graduate; they must also be healthy, engaged, responsible, and caring people. Due to RSLA being the namesake of a remarkable leader, Robert Smalls, we continue to build on our leadership foundation. Robert Smalls Leadership Academy ensures all students develop World-Class Knowledge and Skills and Life and Career Characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by implementing Leader in Me (LiM).
LiM is aligned with best-in-class content and concepts practiced by global education thought leaders. Leader in Me provides a holistic, schoolwide experience for staff, students, and parents, and creates a common language and culture within the school. The leadership principles and lessons are incorporated into coursework, traditions, systems, and culture.
The staff at RSLA is committed to modeling and implementing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in order to provide a caring and nurturing learning environment for our students. These 7 Habits have been proven to improve academics, discipline, and attendance by strengthening individual work habits and improving social interactions. They help improve student performance and support school success by helping to foster the qualities of independence (goal-setting, organization, time management, and planning); interdependence (teamwork, conflict management, creativity, and analytical skills); and renewal (engagement, desire to learn, and ownership of learning).
By working together, Robert Smalls Leadership Academy will be an inclusive community rooted in a rich history of advocacy, courage, and compassion that empowers all stakeholders to become strategic change agents through a legacy of leadership.