India Hook is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe, caring, and academically challenging learning environment. We opened our doors in 2007 and are nestled in a small neighborhood off of Twin Lakes Road.
Our work this year has focused on the three main goals of our district: PLCs, MTSS, and Trusted Professionalism. We have participated in professional development to help our teachers become more focused in understanding our students’ literacy needs. We learned strategies to help us put a stronger focus on direct teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness. Our teachers are using collegial conversations and data to provide specific and purposeful interventions for our struggling students. They are finding creative and innovative ways to work with students to provide these interventions. During the 2023-2024 school year, we will continue to focus on these areas and begin the three-year process to learn, teach, and implement the Leader In Me framework for school improvement.
We will continue our partnership with Winthrop University as a Partner School. This partnership not only benefits Winthrop students, but India Hook’s teachers and students as well. We were privileged to host three exceptional Winthrop University interns. We look forward to hosting more students and strengthening this important partnership in the future.
Our plan of action continues to be to increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding target growth on ELA and Math Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests, continued refinement of our balanced literacy instruction and math instruction, providing intervention services for struggling learners, promoting character education through our positive school-wide behavior plan, modeling the use of technology to enhance instruction, and continuously finding ways to improve through differentiated professional development.