Lesslie Elementary School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by improving student achievement in math, literacy, science, social sciences and arts. Within Tier 1 our core instruction, our students learn critical thinking and communication skills by working in collaborative groups. Our educators allow student choice to creatively express their learning. Additionally, our instructional plans incorporate technology as a tool for research, use of applications, and presentations to enhance learning. Our related arts programs allow our students to express themselves creatively through art, music, media and technology with all teachers working collaboratively together to make connections between their content areas. To meet our school improvement goals, we analyze MAP, SC Ready, SCPASS, Fountas and Pinnell, FastBridge Universal screeners and benchmark assessment data to make instructional decisions for our students. Reading and Writing workshop models, using Lucy Calkins units, were used to guide our literacy instruction. Math workshop provided structure for our math instruction. Hands-on inquiry based science activities are at the core of our science instruction. Our teachers use multi-tiered systems of support with Tier 2 and 3 interventions to ensure that students reach mastery of their grade level standards, using data to guide them as they provide interventions for each student.
At Lesslie Elementary, we also offer Gifted and Talented classes for students in Grades 3-5, academic tutoring, school counseling, exceptional student education, and community counseling services. We are very proud of our students at Lesslie and make sure that we recognize their accomplishments by celebrating Terrific Kid, Awards Days, and PBIS Celebration Days, just to name a few.
We strive to improve school/home relations by increasing positive, frequent and accessible communication through media such as Twitter, Facebook, our district’s mobile app, e-newsletters, and our school’s website. Community and parent involvement is very important to the culture at Lesslie. Each year, Lesslie welcomes interns from Winthrop University as well as Teacher Cadets from Rock Hill High School that work and observe in our classrooms. We have close partnerships with local churches and businesses that provide supplies and other services for our students and faculty as well as our partnership with the Catawba Indian Nation’s Head Start and Camp Kic-A-Wah. Parents are involved as equal partners in our work with our students. We have a very active SIC and PTO that provide guidance, input, resources, materials and activities for our students and teachers. This year, we had Family Nights, Book Fairs, a Talent Show, Chorus Programs, a Valentine’s Day Dance, and Bingo Night to involve our families in the live of our school. Lesslie Elementary is truly a safe learning environment for the students of our community.