Harbison West Elementary School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by focusing on learning and innovation skills paired with life and career skills through many new initiatives launched in 2020-2021.
Harbison West Elementary School is committed to creating an educational environment that will ensure our student's success in school and in life. Our students practice ethical and collaborative citizenship by learning and following our school-wide expectations, Be a Hero. We asked students to focus on being Hard-working, Empathic, Respectful, and Open-minded. These school-wide expectations are taught and reinforced on a daily basis. In the classroom, we teach students how to treat one another through our classroom guidance lessons on kindness, friendship, and conflict. Also, teachers and students joined together to participate in Project Au-Some. This program was designed to build empathy and social skills between a fifth-grade classroom and preschool children with special needs. This year classes across the school focused on researching various disabilities and how to become more inclusive.
Harbison West Elementary School continues to excel academically. We have a superior cadre of teachers who are totally dedicated to student success. At Harbison West Elementary, we have established a rigorous and relevant curriculum that ensures our students exceed established standards and practice critical thinking skills. Our teachers possess a variety of experiences and expertise; including Gifted and Talented Endorsements, Special Education Certifications, and National Board Certifications. Teachers continue to implement innovative teaching methods and best practices for instruction with the aid of a strong instructional support team. The team includes a Reading Coach, Math Coach, and Digital Integration Specialist, as well as many others. Because of this support system, Harbison West Elementary continues to grow our students in all academic areas.
Over the last five years, District Five has implemented an aggressive technology plan. The guiding principle for that initiative is to ensure that our students can be successful in school and compete globally. Our focus is to help students become creators, communicators, critical thinkers, and collaborators. Teachers purposefully plan lessons and provide students with opportunities to grow and develop twenty-first-century skills. Technology is utilized as a tool by students and teachers to enhance the educational experience and to make meaningful connections locally and worldwide. This year we were able to purchase new technology which allowed us to be 1 to 1 in our Kindergarten through 5th-grade classrooms.
At Harbison West Elementary School, our goal is to provide students with experiences and programs of study that will help make them become productive citizens. We know that characteristics taught in school will carry over to ensure college and career success. Our social worker and school counselor work collaboratively to provide our students with the necessary skills to become productive and contributing citizens. The Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Team and the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Committee collaborate with our entire faculty to ensure that student needs are being met so that they may excel emotionally, socially, and academically. We are very proud at Harbison West Elementary School to know that we are indeed preparing students for success in school, in the workplace, and in life.
Randy Norman, Principal