The 2022-2023 year was fruitful at Wateree Elementary School. Our Title 1 school continued to meet our students' academic, social, emotional, and physical needs every day. Wateree Elementary continued strengthening relationships with our current stakeholders and community while creating new partnerships. We are proud to be a part of a “military family-friendly” institution (Purple Star School) and appreciate cultural/ethnic diversity and inclusion. We continue to sustain and implement programs so every parent and student feels valued. The Be Great Program continued to provide additional opportunities for families with after-school needs. Wateree has an enduring legacy of being a family-oriented institution with all of today’s modern educational conveniences and programs.
This year, in addition to our continued focus on academics and student achievement, we continued to work to maintain the positive perception of the school and our culture, which is to instill in our students the belief that they can do or be anything they desire with hard work, determination, and a will to succeed. As such, our Cardinals know that we accept no less than their personal best academically and behaviorally.
Highly qualified, hard-working educators carry out the mission and vision of Wateree Elementary daily to ensure quality teaching, and learning opportunities are aligned with the South Carolina College and Career Ready Curriculum Standards. These individuals work tirelessly to deliver the whole-child instructional approach required for the student's continued success at Wateree Elementary. We also spend considerable time analyzing and disaggregating relevant data to develop and implement our teaching strategies and methodologies. We strive to offer relevant ongoing professional development opportunities to ensure our teachers are up-to-date on best and current practices in education.
In addition to a strong staff, we have many instructional-based and technology-driven programs that help augment our vision of success for every student. Response to Intervention and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (RTI and MTSS), Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS), 1:1 computing, STEM curriculum, and other viable, research-based programs are but a few ways to help ensure that our instruction and curriculum offerings are relevant and rigorous.
Lastly, our school-wide goals for the 2023-2024 school year will focus on comprehensive communication and partnerships with stakeholders, incorporating character education, strengthening tier 1 instructional strategies, providing engaging learning opportunities in all subject areas to improve academic achievement, and participating in the state department’s CLI (Collective Leadership Intiaitive) program to foster leadership among all staff members at Wateree Elementary.
Shane L. Bagwell, Principal
Deahnna Lane, School Improvement Council Chairperson