Mt. Zion Elementary School is helping all students develop the world class skills of the South Carolina Graduate profile by implementing strategies and programs that build our students' creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.
Our mission, working in partnership with students, staff, parents, and the community, is to ensure that all students are provided a high quality education through a curriculum that utilizes content advancement, analysis of abstract themes or concepts, development of complex thinking processes, and transformation of learning into creative products.
We have partnered with Kiawah Cares to develop a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) initiative at Mt. Zion, with multiple teachers now trained in Project Lead the Way Launch. We have also continued to implement other STEM/STEAM challenges and learning opportunities. Our teachers have been trained in Ongoing Assessment Practices (OGAP) to support building students’ conceptual understanding in mathematics.
Our K-5 faculty are continuing to develop students’ ability to read and write creatively and critically while building deep background knowledge through the implementation of the EL Education literacy curriculum and related field trips. In addition, our K-3 faculty implemented small group reading instruction under the guidance of the University of Florida Lastinger Institute. In the fall of 2022, our K-3 faculty embarked on Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) training, which has deepened knowledge of best practices in the science of reading.
This year we welcomed back volunteers into the building for Reading Partners as well as two “Reading Role Models” events, where diverse stakeholders came into our classrooms to read engaging books. We also worked with Communities in Schools and other partners to host our first Reading Carnival, a fun-filled event focused on literacy. We have continued to work with multiple community partners to increase wraparound support and services for our students in light of the lingering challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We believe this combination of curriculum and wraparound strategies for students, combined with professional development and support for our staff members, will prepare our students to reach their full potential and read on grade level by 5th grade in 2027.
Anna Mims, Principal
Michelle Faust, SIC Chair