Jennie Moore Elementary School for the Creative Arts is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of a Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by integrating our fine arts program across a rigorous academic curriculum to engage students to become life-long learners. Our administration, faculty, and staff continue to seek opportunities to challenge students daily in their academics. Our tradition of arts integration allows for students to demonstrate creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem solving.
In order to improve professional growth among teachers, we utilized funds to provide teachers with additional planning days during the summer, enabling them to plan and further prepare ELA and math curriculum materials and lessons. Additionally, we were able to send four teachers to an engaging professional development opportunity titled “Get Your Teach On”. These teachers shared the innovative ideas captured at this highly motivational professional development with all staff.
We were able to continue with our 11th year of partnership with Engaging Creative Minds. Through this collaborative effort of community artists, faculty and students have continued to expand arts integration, offering opportunities to enrich our students’ learning and develop their interpersonal skills and their sense of integrity with the artistic skills.
Our School Improvement Council has worked diligently on several initiatives for school improvement and was recognized as a top 5 finalist for the Riley Award for school improvement.
Our administrative team has recognized the impact on student learning and growth due to the pandemic. Through continuous progress monitoring of students our teachers strive to better understand and use data to guide their daily instruction to meet the needs of individual learners. With ESSER III funds, we will have an additional 1.0 certified reading interventionist and a .5 certified math interventionist for the 23-24 school year. We will continue to set high goals for individual student achievement and support our teachers with the needed training and materials that will allow them to provide every student with a challenging educational environment that is nurturing, respectful, and engaging.
Karen Felder, Principal
Chrissy Hilfiger, SIC Chair