Dent Middle School is the oldest school in Richland School District Two. Dent Middle School has a long history of excellence, and we continue to pride ourselves on the success of our students and faculty. Our talented staff and students have received numerous awards and have been recognized repeatedly. Dent Middle School was named a 2021 National Schools to Watch by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform. Dent Middle was also recognized as a National Certified Magnet School by Magnet Schools of America, A School of Distinction by Magnet Schools of America and a National Beta School of Merit. Thirty-nine students were named Junior Scholars. Dent Middle won Gold Level School status in the National Math Club and the Champions of the Environment Award from the Department of Health and Environmental Control. We also were awarded the Richland County Conservation Grant for water testing supplies. Learning is personalized through the implementation of one-to-one technology, project-based learning, and focused professional development. Increased focus on numeracy, best practices, and professional collaborative learning communities improved instructional practices at Dent Middle School. Using MAP testing in the Fall, we followed student growth and determined strengths and weaknesses prior to state testing. All students and teachers engaged in goal setting, celebrating those who with met their goals or made gains toward those goals. Our continued partnership with our parents and community help to develop our future South Carolina graduates and world leaders. Our SIC, PTO, volunteering opportunities, and business partnerships continued to grow over the year, increasing parent and community involvement. We celebrate Earth Day with a “Beautify the Boulevard” event in which the entire community is invited for a service learning experience. We look forward to another rewarding school year focused on our goal of providing an environment where all students can achieve academic success and become ideal 21st century SC graduates.
Tamala Murrill Ashford, Principal