Boiling Springs High School is dedicated to providing a strong, comprehensive curriculum and instruction, in an environment that is safe and supportive, in order to develop and prepare all students to be successful. Embracing the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate, our school’s mission is to ensure all students have access to a quality education, providing them with world-class skills, leading them down the path of college or career ready upon completion of their time at Boiling Springs High School. Using a challenging and rigorous curriculum, our students find themselves immersed in rich, open conversations where they are encouraged to think for themselves, delving into deeper, more concrete learning.
Our continued implementation of 1:1 provides our students with the opportunity to gain a much more cohesive understanding of technology, a true 21st century skill. As we prepare to provide our students with new devices for the 2022-2023 school year, we are excited to continue to provide access to the most up-to-date instructional technology resources, beginning with our two Learning Management Systems (LMS): Canvas and Google Classroom. Additionally, our students have digital access to textbooks and other supplemental resources which are all easily accessible via Clever, another digital tool that provides students and teachers with quick access at their fingertips. Our instructional technology opportunities not only provides students with many different resources in order to help their achievement and success levels, but it also gives teachers the opportunity to provide various forms of differentiated instruction, appealing to the different learning styles of all of our students. We will continue to provide different learning opportunities, while also making the learning environment engaging.
For the 2022-2023 school year, we have added several new courses, providing greater opportunities. These course offerings include AP Environmental, Integrated Science, which is a blending of the concepts that will be covered in Biology, so this course will serve as an introduction. We have also created a new math pathway determined by student achievement levels as they transition from middle to high school. Based on student data and information provided by our feeder middle schools, students have been placed in either Bridge to Algebra, Essentials of Algebra, or Algebra 1. These new course offerings will help to close the achievement gap in math, building stronger math and science students.
We continue to carefully monitor the changes taking place within education so that we are able to provide the most current and substantial learning experiences for all our students. We will continue to meet with our Teaching and Learning Teams (TLTs) each week during Early Release Wednesday. This time for teachers to collaborate has proven to be monumental to the growth of the overall educational experience of our students. During this time, teams work together, analyzing data, working to create assessments, and discussing the areas of strengths and weaknesses to determine what the next, best steps are in terms of educational growth and development. The implementation of this time has also proven to strengthen the bond between our teachers as we continue to build Boiling Springs High School as one school.
We saw many accomplishments this year in academics, athletics, and fine arts. For the 2022-2023 school year, we will see an increase by 21% in the number of students taking an AP course. Additionally, for the 2021-2022 school year, we saw growth in the overall progress of our EOC courses as we continue to focus on data-driven decision making where curriculum and instruction are concerned. We have high expectations to see a greater increase in student achievement this year as we continue to make changes and improvements in how we teach, along with focusing on the whole-student when planning lessons and assessments.
From the athletic standpoint, we had several major successes for 2021-2022. Our Competitive Cheer team finished 5th in the state, the highest of all participating upper state teams; Girls Tennis advanced to playoffs; one of our swimmers medaled at state; one of our wrestlers qualified for state; one of our track athletes finished 3rd in the state in the 100m and 2nd in the state in the 200m; Boys Soccer and Boys Lacrosse both advanced to the 2nd round of playoffs, and our baseball team were District 1 Champions and advanced to the second round of upper state. We welcomed our new AD who has since taken our athletics program to the next level. We have also welcomed new coaches in many of our sports who are excited about taking our athletics program to greater levels of achievement.
Our fine arts program welcomed the return to live performances this year that were open to the public. A huge celebration for the theater department came when they were able to perform in our beautiful auditorium for the first time since moving into the new Boiling Springs High School. Additionally, our Bulldog Marching Band, Choral Department, and Orchestra earned several outstanding accolades during both fall and spring seasons. We are looking forward to seeing our fine arts programs continue to showcase their excellence in all they do.
Boiling Springs High School continues to strive to build strong, substantial relationships within our community. For the 2021-2022 school year, we were able to partner with our community in many ways, specifically by encouraging everyone to come and get involved with what our school has going on. This year, we saw the return of our annual Homecoming parade, and the addition of our First Annual Bulldog Trunk-or-Treat which, despite inclement weather, saw hundreds of people walking the halls of Bulldog Nation to gather candy and make memories with the students, faculty, and staff of BSHS. We also saw the addition of the First Annual Turkey Bowl which featured flag football amongst our freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes, culminating in the winning team challenging the faculty/staff team for ownership of the coveted Spirit Stick. The year also brought the community tailgate to rally and support our baseball team with hot dogs and other tasty treats, compliments of athletics, as we cheered and chowed on the hill in support of the Bulldogs. We are looking forward to these events and many more as we move into the 2022-2023 school year.
As a result of the changes, additions, and renewed spirit, we have seen many positive impacts for the students of Boiling Springs High School.
We are proud of what is taking place at Boiling Springs High School. We have seen our students move in a positive direction, as the curriculum has been adjusted and activities have been added to ensure that all of the Boiling Springs High School students receive a world class education. With the continued assistance of a student-centered educational community, excellent parent support, and a District Office that puts children FIRST, we will continue to ensure that the students of Boiling Springs High School receive the BEST educational opportunities in the great state of South Carolina.
Mr. Zack McQuigg, Principal Mrs. Lisa Bowen, SIC Chairperson