Wateree Elementary School has an enduring legacy of being a generational, family-oriented institution with all of today’s modern educational conveniences and programs. This year in addition to our continued focus on academics and student achievement, we continued to work very hard to overcome the effects of the COVID pandemic as well as continuing to maintain the positive perception of the school and our culture, which is to instill in our students the belief that they can do or be anything they desire with hard work, determination, and a will to succeed.
As such, our Cardinals know that we accept no less than their personal best academically and behaviorally. We are fortunate and very appreciative to have a wonderful community of stakeholders (teachers, parents, local businesses, and community members) who passionately support our efforts in our school and community.
Our school is fully committed to accomplishing the goals of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate of producing learners with world-class knowledge and skills as well as strong life and career characteristics. We also spend a considerable amount of time analyzing and disaggregating relevant data in order to best develop and implement our teaching strategies and methodologies. We strive to offer relevant ongoing professional development opportunities to ensure our teachers are up-to-date on best and current practices in education.
In addition to a strong staff, we have a plethora of instructional-based and technology-driven programs that help augment our vision of success for every student. Response to Intervention and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (RTI and MTSS), Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS), 1:1 computing, STEAM curriculum, the Edmentum Learning Suite, and other viable, research-based programs are but a few ways to help ensure that our instruction and curriculum offerings are relevant and rigorous.
Also at Wateree, we make every effort to provide our students ample opportunities for field studies and other “beyond the classroom” experiences. For example, we have developed a growing partnership with the South Carolina Waterfowl Association for additional offerings to our students. Additionally, we have partnered with the Kershaw County Soil and Water Conservation District for our school garden initiative, and we are also a part of the Healthy Schools initiative. Our Boys and Girls Clubs remain a worthy entity within our school for viable after-school activities. Lastly, as a part of being a “military family-friendly” institution (Purple Star school) and having an appreciation of cultural/ethnic diversity and inclusion, we continue to sustain and implement programs so that every parent and student feel valued. At Wateree, it is very easy to discern that we continue to strive for excellence, and we are fully committed to preparing our well-rounded students to achieve their dreams!
Shane L. Bagwell, Principal
Teri Howell, School Improvement Council Chairperson