Oakview Elementary School is helping all students develop World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a safe, caring, and academically challenging learning environment. We create a “Habitat for Learning” by challenging students to think critically in order to reach their full potential, by promoting continuous and collaborative professional development among all teachers, and by engaging the school community and its parents in ongoing partnerships.
Oakview is excited to be named a U.S. News & World Report Best Elementary School for the 2021-2022 school year! Our teachers pursue research-based instructional strategies to use in the classroom such as: small group guided reading and math, technology integration, web-based individualized instruction, arts integration, and more! This year alone, the faculty received over $6,000 in grant funding to carry out innovative instruction. With continued “Excellent” report card ratings, 16 consecutive Palmetto Gold/Silver Awards recognizing high student achievement, and over 40,000 volunteer hours logged in a typical year, Oakview takes pride in the accomplishments of its students, teachers, parents, and supportive community.
The 2021-2022 school theme was “Enjoy The View” which focused on reconnecting students, staff, and parents after the pandemic. The school connects students with life and career through its partnerships with community organizations and businesses. In recent years, Southern First Bank provided weekly reading volunteers and the Warehouse Theater delivered lessons in the performing arts. JL Mann High School students served as weekly morning tutors for select Oakview students. In addition to these partnerships, Oakview offers a wide variety of programs and student opportunities such as artist in residence, author visits, Barrier Island field trips, bridge building contest hosted by the American Society of Civil Engineers, a butterfly garden, a career club, chess club, chorus, climbing wall, Columbia Statehouse and Museum field trips, Cultural Arts Festival, a daily news broadcast with green screen, a fitness trail, distance learning lab, drama team, garden club, golf instruction, gifted education, on-line student newspaper, Grandparents Day, Lego robotics, morning tutors, parent workshops, sculpture club, Space Day, a walking track, and much more!
With a comprehensive Strategic Plan, Oakview sets goals for improved student performance, while at the same time, continuing to focus on teaching the “whole child.” Through the efforts of parents, faculty, and community partners, we anticipate success as we fulfill Oakview’s school mission!
Mrs. Sarah Slack, Chair of the School Improvement Council
Dr. Phillip Reavis, Principal