At A.C. Corcoran Elementary School, we believe we should always be responsible for our actions, treat others with respect and dignity, and strive daily to be the BEST that we can be! We believe that it is paramount to focus on developing the whole child. By having this focus, we can develop students that will exhibit world class skills, as well as, the life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We will do this by enhancing critical thinking skills and collaboration among students and faculty. With the implementation of the Bridges Mathematics curriculum and EL curriculum, our teachers fostered critical thinking skills in our students. This is done through ongoing collaboration and the integration of technology through various digital platforms. From the Beginning- of-Year NWEA to End-of-Year NWEA, we saw increases in our student data across multiple grade levels. This success is attributed to collaboration during Professional Learning Committee (PLC) meetings, multi-tier system of support (MTSS), grade level team collaboration, vertical team planning, strategic intervention, incorporating digital content, and ongoing professional development. We believe that “none of us is as strong as all of us.”
In addition to the aforementioned, we will strive to achieve the overall district’s goal for literacy - all students reading on grade level by 5th grade in 2027. This will be done by implementing the EL curriculum with fidelity and integrity, participating in ongoing professional development in the area of literacy, as well as, participating in the LETRS training offered by the South Carolina Department of Education.
In spite of the pandemic and the restrictions it entailed, our teachers continued to provide students with meaningful instruction. Our teachers were intentional about creating experiences for students that would assist them with successfully competing in our global society. Students are afforded consistent opportunities to think critically and to embrace problem solving opportunities through collaborative learning and participation in field trips. Teachers serve as facilitators in the classroom as students confidently take risks, evaluate their thinking and take ownership for their learning.
At A.C. Corcoran Elementary School, our entire school family is dedicated to ensuring that our students receive the best educational experience during their critical learning years. Our mission is to ensure that all students achieve college, career, and citizenship readiness. Our vision entails educating our students in and out of school, to succeed academically, to graduate from high school and to be prepared for employment.
Johnathon Wideman, Principal
Pamela Bryant, S.I.C. Chairperson