Malcolm C. Hursey Montessori School is helping all students develop the world class skills of the SC Profile of the Graduate by fulfilling its mission as a magnet Montessori school of choice. The tenet of a Montessori education is that a child learns best in an enriched/supportive environment, where exploration, discovery, collaboration and creative thinking are the norm, and where integrity, self-direction, a global perspective and interpersonal skills are emphasized, all under the guidance of a trained, caring teacher and instructional assistants.
The school’s goal is to help students reach their potential in all areas of life. Independence, self-motivation, creativity, innovation, leadership and cooperation are foundational. The curriculum and environment empower children, ignite their creativity and support them in building a sense of self. Learning is personal, enjoyable and self-fulfilling.
At Hursey we have provided both a full time reading and math certified interventionist to help close the achievement gap and increase the number of students reading on grade level. The interventionists alongside the classroom teachers improve literacy in order to meet the district goal of all children reading on grade level. We are also using ESSER funds to provide additional coaching support to teachers to help increase instructional rigor in all classrooms and to provide professional development that will lead to increased levels of achievement.
Malcolm C. Hursey Montessori staff is highly qualified and all classroom teachers as well as some instructional assistants are Montessori endorsed by the American Montessori Society. Teachers and staff work diligently to analyze data, to determine and respond to student needs through the school’s PLC/RtI process. Malcolm C. Hursey Montessori has a strong related arts program, wellness initiatives, and service learning projects that embrace and support the education of the whole child. Students participate in Reading Partners, math intervention, reading intervention, strings, band, Joseph Fields Farm visits, Robotics, garden classroom and North Charleston POPS Kidz.
This year, Hursey’s School Improvement Council and PTA worked together to support teacher professional development by purchasing classroom materials and supplies to support student achievement. Malcolm C. Hursey Montessori has built a sustained collaboration partnership with the City of North Charleston and the Liberty Hill Improvement Council Afterschool Enrichment Program that supports over 40 students at Malcolm C. Hursey Montessori daily on reading, writing and perseverance. We look forward to many more years of continued success.
Timothy G. Schavel, Ed.D. Principal
Robert Fludd, School Improvement Council Chairman