Our district is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by continuing to create a safe and positive learning environment in which all students feel valued and are challenged to reach their highest potential.
Ensuring our students are able to meet their academic achievement and growth goals is at the forefront of all that we do in Chester County School District (CCSD). We realize that our district and all of its schools have to function as a professional learning community (PLC) and take collective responsibility for our students. During the 2021-2022 school year, district leaders participated in a book study of Learning By Doing (Dufour, et al, 2016), and each school sent representatives to the PLC Institute in Charlotte in June to learn more about the tenets of PLCs. Plans for district-wide implementation will continue during the 2022-2023 school year.
Our district understands the importance of our students being college and career ready, and that readiness starts in early grades. Our four-year-old kindergarten students received devices to complete the Waterford Upstart program activities at school and at home. By spring 2022, the percentage of students in pre-reading one moved from 70% to 19%, indicating that they increased their reading skills. All CCSD schools demonstrated growth in math and reading on the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment during the spring administration. Over 400 K-12 students participated in after school tutoring during the spring, and our school leaders collaborated with the Transportation Department and Student Nutrition Services to provide transportation and snacks. Over 500 elementary and secondary students were served in our summer school programs. We were excited to resume the Giti Science Competition funded by Giti Tire’s Chester location. CCSD middle and high school student teams and their coaches collaborated to test the distance of race cars and the weight their bridges designs could sustain, for example. The inaugural year of our Early College Program, a partnership with York Tech’s Chester Campus, was very successful. We had eleven students who were able to develop skills to prepare for the rigors of higher education and earn college credits. In the area of fine arts, selected middle school students participated in the ST-ARTS, students with special talents in the arts, Program at Winthrop University for the first time this summer. The Chester County Public Education Program provided a field trip grant to cover all expenses for the eighteen students selected during auditions in January. Additionally, the Lewisville middle and high school band programs competed against schools across the state and earned numerous awards. Finally, the Chester County Career Center (CCCC) had many accomplishments. Our site had 131 program completers, and 130 students earned SC Career and Technical Education career ready certifications. The CCCC had a 98.8% post-program placement and 98.4% four-year graduation rate. The staff also held the first Chester County Career Center Apprenticeship Signing Day featuring a partnership with Chester Metropolitan District.
CCSD students and staff would not have been able to accomplish this academic growth and achievement without valuable resources that attend to the whole child. We are keenly aware that the social and emotional learning (SEL) needs of students can help or hinder progress. To better support students, the Office of Administrative Services put in place some key initiatives. District leadership, participated in trauma-informed schools training, and seven became master trainers. An SEL Steering Committee was established, and, in collaboration with school counselors, created the CCSD SEL Reference Guide that includes a variety resources. Two mental health counselors were hired, and attendance support teams were created at each school as a part of the Attendance Matters Campaign. The Administrative Services team secured a McKinney-Vento grant to help with supplies and resources for our homeless families. A number of community partnerships were added such as the Boys and Girls Club for elementary schools, Carolina Climb Mentoring Initiative with the University of South Carolina, and the Voorhees College GEAR UP program. CCSD recognizes that educating our students involves all our stakeholders.
Our district could not operate without a dedicated staff. CCSD had a 90.7% teacher retention rate. Having highly qualified staff return year after year benefits our students. Relationships and sense of family are among the strengths staff listed for the district, but providing a competitive pay scale and loyalty bonuses are also ways we show staff that they are valued. The Office of Human Resources highlighted the Rock Star Teacher of the Month and instituted a monthly award for schools with the highest attendance rate this year. These schools were recognized with a trophy and gift cards from community partners.
Having the appropriate resources and physical space positively impact teaching and learning in CCSD. Our Department of Technology completed a laptop refresh that included the distribution of 600 devices, and elementary and middle schools received new classroom furniture. Building safety and security has been enhanced with additional school resource officers (SROs) and through maintenance staff obtaining OSHA certification, for example.
Despite the challenges of the pandemic that persisted during the 2021-2022 school year, our Marketing and Communications Department prioritized sharing our district’s positive stories. We are proud of how our CCSD students, staff, families, and community pulled together to continue to be #ChesterCountyStrong, and we look forward to the great things our district will accomplish in the 2022-2023 school year!
Dr. Antwon Sutton, Superintendent
Mr. Doug Shannon, School Board Chairman