Belle Hall Elementary School’s mission is to develop skilled, respected, independent seekers of knowledge possessing World Class Skills by providing them rich, diverse, and challenging experiences. The school population during the pandemic year of 2020-21 was 640 students ranging from a Preschool Intervention Class (three-year olds) through the 5th grade. Ten percent of the students received instruction via a virtual format for the entire school year. The enrollment consists of 80% Caucasian and 20% minority students. Instructional programs include various inclusion-based special education services, fine arts, technology, research projects, Accelerated Reader and regular intervention groups for students needing academic assistance. A staff Multi-Tiered Systems of Support team based on a Response to Intervention protocol meets weekly to identify, monitor and support students in need and address any achievement gaps. Unfortunately, COVID-19 restrictions limited our regular guidance groups, chorus, recorder pipes ensembles and hand bells team. We remain hopeful that the swimming, tennis and basketball team opportunities will resume in 2021-22. An after-school Kaleidoscope program serves 125 students daily and offers additional extracurricular activities. Almost half of the 3rd through 5th grade students qualify for the school district’s Gifted and Talented program. Opportunities to develop effective Life and Career Characteristics include school-wide participation in monthly charity drives, wellness programs, diversity awareness campaigns, a Student Council, grant projects and career exploration activities. Our celebrated environmentally-aware Green Team features student-driven initiatives such as recycling, food composting and an interactive garden!
Beyond the traditional curriculum, all of our students have access to extra support via a technology lab instructor, literacy specialists, targeted academic intervention tutors and skills-building software programs. Our school setting is a safe and nurturing environment that promotes character development through regularly scheduled guidance classes, the Second Step social-emotional learning curriculum and a school-wide Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (PBIS) program. Additionally, numerous initiatives are facilitated by our proactive School Improvement Council and PTA!
Our school assists all students in developing the World Class Skills and Life & Career Characteristics from the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by emphasizing the acquisition of World Class Knowledge through rigorous academics based on the SC Curriculum Standards. This is evidenced by the most recent report card data which reflects grades 3, 4 and 5 SC READY exam results, 4th grade SCPASS results and survey feedback from students, teachers and parents. In 2021-22, teachers will focus on critical-thinking and problem-solving skills via the Bridges math curriculum in kindergarten through 5th grade. The faculty continues their professional development with the OGAP math instructional strategies training, the FastBridge assessment program and the Open Court literacy curriculum. Communication skills, both written and technology-based, are emphasized through Text Dependent Analysis work and committing purposeful learning time to adaptive digital content resources. Every student is issued a Chromebook or an iPad.
We must continue efforts to strengthen our instructional core, provide intervention resources to classrooms and differentiate support for all students especially those who are under-performing and experienced pandemic-related learning loss. Securing adequate time for teacher planning and professional development remains a challenging goal. Our faculty strives to collaborate within our building vertically, in grade level professional learning communities and through articulation with educators at other schools. Teacher-selected training is encouraged in order to build our instructional capacity and increase individualized, engaging lessons. Historically, the Belle Hall Elementary educational purpose has been to acknowledge our diversity and enable every student to be a successful, fulfilled learner. This collective goal continues and its success will certainly be a direct result of our strong school community and spirit.
Mr. Kevin Conklin, Principal
Ms. Dana Niravong, SIC Chair