Harbor View Elementary School are helping students develop World Class Skills of the South Carolina Graduate by providing the 4C’s (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity) to our students. This year Harbor View focused on communication and collaboration to develop World Class Skills in 2020-21.
Communication took on a whole new meaning this year as we learned many new ways to communicate. Our school learned to communicate in-person as well as online using programs such as Zoom. In school our students learned to communicate with masks on and through plexiglass. We learned that communication is much more than just talking to each other and that to effectively communicate we need to learn various modes of communication, listen to each other and work together to solve problems. We learned that not everyone communicates the same way and that we need to have multiple ways to communicate to each other to work effectively with each other.
This year also showed us how much collaboration is needed to be successful. Our teachers needed to lean on each other and staff members from other schools to be successful. We shared students and teachers amongst schools to reach our virtual learners wherever they were. For our teachers that served students in-person this year they needed to lean on each other to learn new systems, problem solve classroom spacing and share idea with each other. We had to collaborate with each other if students were quarantined and had to move from in-person to online learning.
Harbor View Elementary School reduced the impact of Covid-19 by offering in person instruction 5 days a week starting September 8th. Harbor View Elementary had over 500 students attend in-person 5 days a week. Harbor View Elementary also added extra reading interventionists in our lower grades to minimize the impact from our early in person closure the year before. Teachers, staff and students did a great job following Covid-19 safety protocols to minimize transmission and spread of the disease to limit time needed to be spent out of school. Harbor View Elementary also provided high quality virtual instruction to our students who chose to learn virtually this year.
Mark Connors- Principal
Carrie Glasscock- SIC Chair