Kingstree High School is committed to excellence and to making a difference one student at a time. The school strives to provide every student with the world class knowledge, skills, and life and career characteristics indicated in the Profile of the SC Graduate through a rigorous and relevant curriculum, professional development, enhanced learning opportunities for students and improved communication with parents and all stakeholders. Our students are exposed to multiple perspectives in an effort to appreciate various points of view.
The primary focus of our faculty and staff this year was to carefully analyze our instructional programs to ensure alignment of the taught, written, and tested curriculum. After being introduced to the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and other professional development sessions, the students were given weekly opportunities to receive enrichment and remediation experiences based on data found on assessments such as Mastery Connect, TE-21, MAP Testing, and AIMSWEB. Through mandatory classroom observations and instructional walkthroughs teachers were able to make adjustments and informed decisions, as necessary, to improve their effectiveness.
Driven by our vision of inspiring students who will make a difference, Kingstree High School set the standards for teaching and learning excellence in a warm, inclusive environment where students form meaningful relationships that cultivate confidence and self-discovery. Students had opportunities to build world-class skills through project and problem based learning activities that promoted problem solving, critical thinking through the academic challenge team and a competitive athletic program to ensure students are challenged both inside and outside of the classrooms. We foster curiosity, compassion, and joy throughout the learning process and graduate young adults who think critically and live with purpose. Franklin Covey's tenants of leadership were reinforced at the school this year through a district initiative started during the 2018-2019 school year.
Kingstree High School students were exposed to business and industry through on-site visits, virtual job shadowing, zoom calls, and general assemblies. During this school year, the number of students attending Williamsburg Technical College for dual enrollment courses increased dramatically. Staff participated in the Williamsburg County Manufacturing Day which was an incredible opportunity to showcase the amazing work of manufacturers in the community and to also educate students about future opportunities. Our School Improvement Council and Title I Planning team worked cooperatively in an effort to involve more parents, alumni, and faith based leaders to support the academic success for students.
Through our continued efforts of academic excellence, we strive to enable our students to achieve their potential and to become articulate and responsible adults who knows the importance of respecting others and being productive members of our society.