Easterling Primary School is challenging all students to reach their full academic, social, and behavioral potential while developing life and career characteristics that are part of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We provide this environment through the implementation of our school motto: “Where Little People Do Big Things!” This year, our teachers implemented the Open Court Reading curriculum. OCR is paired with the individualized instruction used in iReady to meet student needs in Reading. Our math instruction using “HMH Into Math,” is enriched by small groups and math manipulatives. Students also explore science and social studies topics throughout the year. Learning experiences are enhanced through field trips such as visits to Playcard Environmental Center, Palmetto Farms and Ripley’s Aquarium.
Our students use lessons in iReady to practice reading and math skills which provide teachers with the data needed to deliver differentiated instruction in the classrooms. In addition, instructional time for intervention and fluency support student growth. Teachers incorporate guided reading and guided math groups into their classrooms to assist with academic needs. Teachers analyze their class data regularly during common planning as grade levels meet three times a week to ensure instruction is effective for every student.
Easterling Primary strives to grow through a growth mindset. Our ILT (Instructional Leadership Team) meets on a weekly basis to help guide instructional practices throughout the school. The ILT is comprised of the principal, assistant principal, one lead teacher per grade level, one collaborating teacher, instructional coach and reading coach. This team has a specific purpose to focus on the Problem of Instructional Practice (POIP) for our school and create rocks (goals) to overcome identified areas of need. These goals are set for 45 days at a time and new rocks are identified each quarter. During our Collaborative Planning sessions, our teachers meet as a grade level to plan and offer each other support as they create their lessons based on collected data. Through the yearlong science of reading course LETRS (Language Essentials for
Teachers of Reading and Spelling), teachers and administrators learn reading instruction techniques to apply in the classroom.
Through our MTSS process, we team with parents to find solutions to academic and behavior challenges our students face. Using multiple PBIS incentives which recognize school wide behavioral expectations, our students enjoy Hat Days, Jeans Days, Regular Clothes Days, Dance Parties, and other special treats. Points are also awarded by teachers, staff, administrators, and bus drivers for following the “Wee Fox P.A.T.H. to Success.” Students can use points earned at our online school store and for rewards at our spring carnival.
Students at Easterling Primary School can participate in the following activities:
● Red Ribbon Week Activities
● Grits for Grandparents
● American Education Week
● Fire Safety Show
● Duke Energy STEM Night
● Marion Christmas Tree Lighting Performance
● High-five Fridays
● Spring Carnival
● Sneaker Ball
● Art in the Park
● "NED” SEL show
In addition, Easterling Primary is a participant in the MUSC/Boeing Wellness program and has received a cash reward for meeting program goals. Two of our teachers are a part of the Clemson Extension School Garden program which supplies gardening equipment along with live plants. With the help of community volunteers, our Wee Fox family has a viable garden that is healthy and growing.
To recognize completion of the school year, our Kindergarten students have the opportunity to perform at the end of the program for family members to attend. Our second-grade students and their parents participate in a “bridging” program to celebrate students moving up to the intermediate school.
Easterling Primary School is proud of our progress; however, we are always looking for ways to improve and provide better learning experiences for our students. Our teachers are educational professionals who work to better develop their craft. Professional development and professional learning communities help them grow not only as teachers but also as learners. We believe the school, family, and community share the responsibility for promoting the education of our young students. At Easterling, we strive to build an educational foundation that will help our Wee Foxes throughout their academic careers.
Melinda Tavernier, Ed.D, Principal
Kathy Bell, SIC Chairperson