For the 2023-2024 school year, we have moved back towards a more “normal” setting after the challenges due to COVID-19. We continue to offer field trips, dances, and other activities students were not able to do. We continue to offer clubs for students to join including, art, drama, student council, student ambassadors, beta club, book club and FCA. With the addition of the new encore classes we have seen an increased enrollment in Family & Consumer Science as well as Theater. ILMS provides career exploration and career events, as well as Individual graduation planning conferences. We offer a variety of elective classes (STEM, Spanish, art, media/broadcasting, band, chorus, piano, fundamentals of computing and health/PE), as well as teaching and modeling character and spreading kindness within our building and in the community through our iLead program.
Some accomplishments that we are proud of include, students were selected to participate after an audition process for the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Middle School Division Honor Choir, Bel Canto choir participated in the Lancaster County School District All County Chorus, Twenty-three combined choir students participated in the Disney Imagination Campus Experience and studio-recorded select songs and effects from “The Princess and the Frog”, and both choirs participated in the Carowinds Festival of Music. Honor band received a Superior with Distinction rating at the South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment. We had 34 SC 8th grade junior scholars. Daughters of the American Revolution essay winners for 1st Place and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in state competition for the VFW Patriot’s Pen essay contest. FMAC 2023 Football champions, FMAC 2023 7th Grade Boys Basketball Champions.
For the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, we are excited with the addition of another media specialist as well as another instructional coach. These additional positions will help our students continue to grow as well as add new strategies for teachers. These strategies include communication/collaboration, thinking/problem-solving, questioning, expectations, and feedback. Also new for the 24-25 school year is our Flex Time Program. During Flex Time, students will be able to get additional support, complete missing assignments and even participate in fun activities. These strategies and programs will continue to reinforce the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. We value partnerships and stakeholders who are invested in the success of our students. The support from the various stakeholders support Indian Land Middle School’s goal of 100% Success!
Chris Thorpe