Lady’s Island Middle School helps all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by continuing to provide high quality professional development for teachers and staff focusing on improving student achievement, collaboration and teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving through project based learning and a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) focused curriculum. We are a School of Choice for Arts Infusion and Gateway To Technology, the middle school component of Project Lead The Way.
During the 2023-2024 school year, Lady's Island Middle School continued in our curricular instructional focus as a nationally accredited STEM middle school by Cognia. In addition, through the Arts In Basic Curriculum (ABC) Grant awarded by the South Carolina Arts Commission, Lady's Island Middle School has been recognized as an Arts Infused school. Rigorous and engaging STEAM instruction provides an environment where teachers collaborate and implement processes to develop targeted skills for each student. Students produced outstanding achievements to include numerous inductees to the National Junior Honor Society and inductees to Junior Scholars.
To further meet the needs of all students, Lady's Island Middle School implemented a daily sixty minute school-wide Multi-Tiered System of Supports. Students who are identified as tier two or three received additional daily small group instruction in ELA and Math. Students identified as tier one receive additional support in literacy and math with individualized learning paths through support programs including Reading Plus and iReady. Additionally, we offered after school tutoring free of charge to families to support the academic needs of students.
Data from MAP tests are used to assist students, faculty and parents noting areas of progress, identifying student academic needs and providing professional development for teachers to meet students’ academic needs. Within each content area, teachers and students focus on utilizing a disciplined approach to problem solving and collaboration. Because we cannot do anything alone, we focus on building strong connections within the building and to our parents and community to have collective supportive involvement. Connections are developed through a variety of activities that include: Parent Information Nights, STEAM Nights, Family Literacy and Math Nights, ESOL Nights, Cougar Cafe with parents and community members, PBIS, Student Art Showcase, strategic planning with feeder elementary schools, and sharing information via our school website, our school Facebook page, and with our weekly parent newsletter, The Cougar Courier.
In addition to academic success, Lady's Island Middle School athletes and student organizations continued their championship traditions. We also expanded our athletic programs with increasing numbers of students participating in boys and girls soccer in addition to football, volleyball, boys and girls basketball, wrestling, baseball, softball, boys and girls track, and cheerleading. Student athletes maintain above the district 2.0 grade point average.
Lady’s Island Middle School has an invested group of teachers and staff who continuously work with parents and community to impact student success and achievement! The staff, students, and parents of the Lady's Island Community will continue to promote excellence, collaboration, STEAM and school-wide growth. Through planning, implementation, and reflection, we strive for accuracy each and every day. Our Cougars are always on the PROWL!