Schofield Middle School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate consistently creating a learning environment that supports students gaining world class knowledge, world class skills, and life and career characteristics. This year our school implemented AVID strategies school-wide: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading. These strategies were utilized in lesson planning to improve classroom rigor and student engagement. World Class Skills–Our focus is to help students become creators, communicators, critical thinkers and collaborators. Utilizing the latest and best technology tools and instructional strategies, students examine critical issues, work in grade level teams, collaborate with peers and adults, and develop unique solutions to these problems that show evidence of their mastery of core knowledge and skills and the ability to create high quality products.
Schofield Middle School strives to provides a culture where students lead by example, exercise good judgment, achieve excellence, and participate responsibly. Through this work, learners demonstrate that they are committed to quality work and citizenship. School structures and traditions such as PBIS, Response to Intervention, Intersession, after-School Content Recovery, Grade-Level community meetings, mentoring, exhibitions of student work, and service learning ensure that every student has a sense of belonging and feels valued. Self advocacy and student leadership are nurtured, and student growth is celebrated.
While a lot of planning for effective teaching and learning goes on at the onset of a school year, we also believe it is important to make time to celebrate our students’ successes in academics, role model behavior, contributions to the community, talents in the arts, and teamwork and talents in athletics. Several ways that we have celebrated such successes are evidenced in our Quarterly PBIS Celebrations, annual Athletic Banquet, Junior Beta Club inductions, and Junior Scholars recognition just to name a few. Our efforts and those of our students are paying off as evidenced in the fact that 4 of our students were accepted to Aiken Scholars Academy and we increased in the number of students recognized as Junior Scholars. In addition, our Girls Basketball team earned District Champion for the second year.
We are excited to continue our academic evolution and partnerships throughout the community. Please feel free to contact the school at any time with questions or comments. Upon your first visit, we’re sure you will agree, “Together we will reach the summit!”