The profile of the South Carolina graduate is a comprehensive list of qualities and characteristics which reflect what we as educators and potential employers believe to be the ideal high school alumnus. These features are vital to the future success of graduates when assessing employability potential and higher education opportunities far beyond the senior year. At Lancaster High School we believe that it is our responsibility to provide opportunities for our students to acquire world class knowledge, world class skills, and both life and career characteristics. These opportunities include the use of rigorous standards in both language arts and mathematics, extensive exposure to multiple languages, sciences, fine arts, technology and the social sciences, the application of creativity, innovation, problem solving skills, extensive peer collaboration and team work. In addition, these opportunities include experiences that enhance students’ personal growth in areas such as interpersonal skills, integrity, work ethic, self-direction, global perspective, and perseverance. One thousand three hundred thirty-one students, 83 certified teachers, 37 classified staff members, 7 administrators, 6 counselors, 2 media specialists, 1 resource officer, 2 nurses, 2 transition-to-work coaches, and 2 instructional support coaches make Lancaster High School a thriving institution of higher learning. We work diligently to equip our students with the skills necessary to navigate the global community so that they are prepared to compete in the 21st century marketplace.
Within the walls of our sprawling campus, we institute standards-based curricula which emphasizes content area literacy and higher order thinking. Each classroom is equipped with a “classroom library.” This “in-class” library supports our emphasis on reading across the curriculum. Understanding the necessity of growing students within each of our course offerings by emphasizing reading, writing, thinking, listening and speaking, allows us to prepare our students for both post-secondary education as well as impending employment.
Lancaster High School is fortunate to have the Lancaster County Career Center adjacent to the main building of the campus. The Career Center functions as part of our comprehensive high school, and provides instruction in concert with traditional coursework to prepare students not only for college but also for the work-place. Courses are offered in areas of business, mechatronics, auto mechanics, auto-body repair, culinary arts, child development, family and consumer sciences, nursing, law enforcement, fire protection services, welding, machine tools, engineering, horticulture and cosmetology. Each of these programs has the potential to provide services to the community and to substantially broaden learning opportunities for students.
Developing students beyond the demands of the academic setting is an essential part of the high school experience as well. Lancaster High School has a number of teams, groups, clubs and organizations for learners to partake in these personal and professional growth experiences. From Jr. Civitans to ROTC, National Honor Society, Beta Club, Band, Chorus, Drama, Dance, Art, High School 101, Archery, Rifle Team, Student Government, Upward Bound, Model UN, and 28 athletic teams, our students have an extensive number of opportunities to prepare for life as an active member of a community or city. Students also have chances to work collaboratively with peers through our journalism cluster (magazine, newspaper, TV production and yearbook), Academic Challenge, and Honors Day competitions. These opportunities provide students with opportunities to think critically, to communicate effectively and to showcase acquired skills and knowledge.
One of the greatest strengths of Lancaster High School is the diversity of the student body. Our staff works diligently to support the needs of our students academically, socially, and emotionally. From our JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) program, Advanced Placement program (AP) and Individual Graduation Plans (IGPs) to the onsite mental health counselors, our College Advisor, our Promise Neighborhood Success Coaches, and our Promise Neighborhood Extended Day program, our students are provided services to help them both individually and as future, productive community members. We continue to use these opportunities as a means to close the achievement gap between students who struggle and those who thrive.
Special emphasis was placed on our four End-of-Course (EOC) content areas. After school study sessions and scheduled visits to our Bruin Learning Cave provided students with intensive EOC test preparation. Teachers team taught in these collaborative groups. In addition, students who made a “C” or higher on one or more of the EOCs were taken on an all-expenses paid trip to Carowinds.
It is imperative, both for our school and our community that we produce competent, prepared students. We embrace the belief that the essential factor in determining a student’s level of academic achievement is the effectiveness of instruction that each student receives. We continue to seek this excellence in teaching by focusing on professional development opportunities, by providing endorsement coursework to meet the Read to Succeed requirements, by focusing on literacy, and by using data to target achievement gaps and to drive instruction. We are continuing to hone our skills in the use of the Workshop Model. This model is focused on instructional differentiation via small group and individualized instruction. We are also providing on-site professional development for our Algebra I teachers through our partnership with the Institute for Research and Reform in Education (IRRE). We will continue to utilize Achieve 3000 Literacy which will provide digital, supplemental support for literacy across the curriculum. Our English and Algebra 1 teachers continue to receive training with the District’s Instructional Specialists in English and Algebra.
Lancaster High School serves the “whole” child. Through our use of Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Workshop Model, academic and social-emotional needs of students are addressed. In addition, iLead, a Maxwell Foundation Leadership curriculum, has been implemented across grade levels. iLead’s peer-to-peer process provides an environment for students to develop authentic relationships and to practice leadership skills while they are learning them. ( As we continue to strive to improve in these areas, we are also working diligently to increase parental involvement in all aspects of our school environment. Improved communication has been at the forefront of our efforts. In addition to Remind, parent-teacher conferences, Open House, emails, phone calls, the LHS website, Talking Points, texts, virtual/in-person meetings, PowerSchool Parent Portal and US mail, we have fully implemented our LHS app. We also have an active social media presence via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The Lancaster High School staff understands that we are here to serve our students. We wear our “Blue and Gold’ with pride and each student knows that he/she is “Always a Bruin”.