Pattison’s Academy is a school for students with significant physical and cognitive disabilities. Most of our students are non-ambulatory and non-verbal with cognitive levels ranging from 2 months to 6 years of age. Our mission is to unlock our students’ potential in all areas. Our learners make progress because we address the unique needs of each individual student by looking at the whole child- motor skills, sensory processing, communication, medical complications, and cognition. This is done through a collaborative effort from our teachers, teacher assistants, physical, occupational, and speech therapists, as well as our nurses. Thus, the collaborative model of integrating therapy and education is imperative.
Pattison’s Academy supports the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate (Life and Career, Learning and Innovation, Information, Media and Technology). Pattison’s Academy will graduate all students with a transferrable transition plan covering SC Alt areas of achievement including independent living, post-school education/training, career employment, and communication.
“Perhaps the professional’s single most important goal with children and adults who have severe disabilities is to encourage and develop their ability and motivation to communicate and relate to the world around them” (Turiansky and Bove from Korsten, Dunn, Foss, and Francke, 1993; Every Move Counts). This is the expectation for each one of our graduates. Giving our students a “voice” is vital for them to be able to be engaged in family and community. The students use a variety of ways to communicate including vocalizations, facial expressions, eye gaze, pointing, pictures, and a variety of voice output devices. Students practice communication and social interactions with peers, staff, and families.
Our students learn best by exploring and creating using a multi-sensory approach (vision, hearing, tactile, vestibular, taste). In addition to daily classroom lessons and therapy activities, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of enrichment activities within their cohort such as music therapy, art, adaptive PE, and a variety of recreational activities. By encouraging creativity in our students, staff can then identify a particular interest or skill of a student, fostering the development of that skill which can lead to possible future employment for that student. Examples could include a student who enjoys playing in water- watering plants at a garden center; a student who enjoys finger painting- creating artwork or notecards to sell. This child’s creative strengths can be utilized to generate an entrepreneurial vocation post-graduation.
Pattison’s Literacy Coach ensures all students are exposed to literacy and literacy-based instruction by providing support and mentoring to teachers, thus empowering teachers to implement our researched-based curriculum- Unique Learning Systems (ULS). This curriculum provides adapted literacy-based materials connected to grade level standards, covering all subject areas. ULS has multiple layers including but not limited to curriculum, data collection, assessment, classroom management, and life skills.
With disabilities being just another form of diversity, students at Pattison’s Academy have a great deal to teach society. The enormous challenges our students face on a daily basis can teach society the importance of perseverance, patience, determination, and how to live and love life on a daily basis.
Holly Zipperer, School Principal