York Road Elementary is committed to providing an educational environment where children work collaboratively to develop strong communication and critical thinking skills while empowering them to fulfill their potential as life-long learners.
Over the past year, York Road has worked to establish common behavior expectations for all students through our Positive Behavior Instruction System (PBIS). The school implemented Bulldog Bucks School store in 2023-2024 to support and encourage students to demonstrate our school’s core values of PAWS (Promoting kindness, Accepting Responsibility, Working Responsibly, and Staying Safe.). Additionally, the requirement of daily Morning Meetings support our school’s PBIS initiative with direct instruction on the behaviors and characteristics of students who display PAWS. The students also learned our school’s Bulldog Code by reciting the code daily during our social-emotional learning time. York Road is committed to supporting students to become lifelong learners by supporting students’ social-emotional growth daily.
York Road staff completed LETRS Training, required of all K-3rd grade staff, to support literacy instruction. LETRS is an intensive program designed to develop teachers understanding of reading, spelling, and related language skills. It provides teachers with in-depth knowledge and teaching strategies to support language skills. Completing this two-year training is a celebration for York Road teachers and a great benefit to our students for years to come.
Evidence of our dedication to the success of all students can be found in having 100% of our 3rd graders meet the required Read to Succeed scores. This resulted in all 3rd graders being promoted to 4th grade. This work on the part of teachers, interventionists, and coaches requires team planning, focused intervention, and constant communication.
This year, our PTA and SIC support was critical to our school improvement efforts. The PTA support at York Road impacts our entire school community for the better. This year PTA organized Penny Wars, A Sneaker Ball, March Madness Event, and many other smaller events to ensure our students and staff were celebrated and recognized. Teachers, staff, and students in our building are well taken care of by our dedicated PTA team.
The Cultural Competency Team and York Road staff worked to become an inclusive and positive environment for all. The Buddy UP program was implemented to enhance inclusiveness and understanding of our students with different abilities. This program was a highlight of the 2023-2024 school year as it created a school community where all students found belonging and acceptance. Additionally, the school’s cultural competency team worked with YRES staff to develop an understanding of personal backgrounds. The Cultural Competency team worked closely with district office staff and school staff to navigate creating safe environments for all staff, students, and families. The collaboration increased awareness of the impact our personal backgrounds and biases which can in turn impact the teaching of our students. The team worked diligently to develop a positive, inclusive community for all stakeholders. York Road administration and staff is committed to doing this work for the betterment of all.
Finally, our school’s focus on growth for all students and staff supports our school mission of developing lifelong learners, by helping to establish a growth mindset in all staff and students. York Road Elementary School held the first annual Growth Parade where students proudly displayed an area of personal growth. Many students focused on their academic and social-emotional growth over the school year and were celebrated for their hard work and decision to become their best self. York Road is committed to continuing to focus on the personal growth and development of all students and staff over the years to come.
As the new principal of York Road Elementary, I am committed to continuing the meaningful work of our school!
Keri Beth Brown