Our school is helping all students develop the world class skills and life & career characteristics of the Profile of the Graduate by engaging students in a rigorous curriculum, integrating STEAM in all curricular areas, providing students’ opportunities to acquire and apply life skills, and instilling a strong sense of character and social responsibility within our students. The Roebuck Elementary School (RES) motto, “RES Leading the Way”, is reflective of our commitment to preparing students to be college, career, and citizenship ready. Our mission is to provide innovative educational experiences that encourage students to build confidence, grow interests, and become problem solvers. As a result of our excellent STEAM program, RES has been recognized as one of the first Project Lead the Way Launch schools in the nation, and received our Cognia STEM Recertification during the 2021-2022 school year.
Roebuck Elementary is a STEAM school dedicated to providing students opportunities to learn through real-life applications in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics. Through the integration of a STEAM program, problem based learning approach, and rigorous standards, our students apply a high depth of knowledge, practice social and relational skills, and develop strong personal values. Our STEAM program provides students with opportunities to solve problems through the application of creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills. RES is committed to preparing students to become productive 21st century citizens through innovative programs, quality instruction, and high expectations.
To extend our development of life and career skills and strong character traits, our students participate in school clubs, including Pet Pals Club, Running Club, Girls Who Code, Boys Who Code, and Garden Club. Additionally, our students participate in many community service projects, including a Student Council sponsored canned food drive, Relay for Life, Jump Rope for Heart, United Way, and Mobile Meals. Roebuck’s success and achievement would not be possible without the support of our outstanding school community. The PTO, SIC, STEAM Advisory Board, parents, business partners and community members are committed to preparing our students for the future. The student energy and engagement, as well as the hard work and dedication of a supportive and well trained faculty & staff, make RES an outstanding place for children!
Dr. Jennifer H. Faulkner, Principal
Mrs. Lanetra Ebron, SIC Chairperson