Our school is helping all students develop the World Class Skills outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by empowering each child to "Think Big, Dream Bigger" and cultivating a caring community where all learners are exceptional communicators, collaborators, creators, and critical thinkers. We accomplish this by offering a well-rounded education that includes the following programs: STEM, Journalism, differentiated art programs, General Music, Chorus, Band, Computer, and Physical Education. By providing these programs alongside highly qualified teachers in all subject areas, we have achieved exceptional growth in Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts.
Indian Land Intermediate celebrates its unique structure as it hosts only two grade levels. This arrangement, focused on fifth and sixth graders, makes us the perfect transition from elementary to middle school. We work on developing the skills necessary for students to succeed in secondary education, while still embracing the foundational elements of elementary education.
At Indian Land Intermediate, we create small learning communities within a large school. Each grade level maintains its own programs, projects, and processes while still functioning as part of the larger school community. Each grade level is divided into two smaller teams to best serve their students. Weekly team meetings ensure consistent instructional practices across multiple classrooms. Teachers regularly meet with administration and instructional coaches to review school-wide procedures, data, and initiatives during their weekly PLC (Professional Learning Community) meetings.
We believe in regularly celebrating students and acknowledging the great things happening in and outside our classrooms. One of the ways we do this is through our "Worthy Warrior" program, where any staff member can nominate and celebrate a student for personal or academic growth. Our students also take charge of their involvement by producing a weekly news roundup. These student-created broadcasts showcase the wonderful things happening at Indian Land Intermediate, featuring both students and teachers.
The PTO at Indian Land Intermediate is actively involved in yearly and monthly planning with administration. They work diligently to promote school and community involvement by supporting students, teachers, and parents. The PTO raises funds for school improvements, boosts morale, and hosts community gatherings on campus.
Over the last three years, we have grown into our own school and culture, truly becoming a place of transition and learning for both students and staff. We are committed to excellence and continued growth, celebrating the whole student through the integration of arts and academics. We are excited for the continued progress and years ahead as we continue to establish our identity in Lancaster County School District.
Best Regards,
Brad Johnson