McDonald Green Elementary School is where children grow and become lifelong learners. Our school is helping all students develop the World class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by developing “independent learners and responsible citizens who value diversity and the arts.” This mission is based on our belief that “students and teachers are prepared to be lifelong independent learners when they think critically, problem-solve, and are able to value the arts.” McDonald Green Elementary collaborates with all stakeholders to ensure student success. Certified staff members of McDonald Green Elementary were recipients of numerous grants including grants from Donor’s Choose, the J. Marion Sims Foundation, and Partners for Youth. Our school continues to make educational gains on state and district tests, and we attribute our successes to our teachers laying great foundations for our students and building upon the solid foundation to encourage students to strive for continual academic excellence. Our school is also helping all students develop the World Class Skills and Life and Career Characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by collaborating with all stakeholders. At McDonald Green Elementary, we understand the importance of arts integration to enhance classroom instruction. McDonald Green Elementary was recognized as an Arts in Basic Curriculum site. This grant allows for professional development for teachers, artists in residence programs, and musical/drama productions. These opportunities to infuse the arts into the core academic areas have allowed our students to be actively engaged in their learning. McDonald Green Elementary uses a balanced literacy approach to reading instruction, hands-on math instruction, animal dissections, and "Family Arts" standards-based PTO nights. Our caring and talented team believes and understands that parents, teachers, students, and the administrative team must work together to achieve academic excellence for all students. Therefore, by putting children first, we offer each child a well-rounded elementary school experience.