District of Spartanburg School District Two Narrative
Our District is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by
….our School Board providing an excellent learning environment to accommodate our growing student population, as illustrated by the construction of classroom additions at four of our district’s elementary schools and one of our district’s middle schools. These projects are scheduled to be completed before the start of the upcoming school year. Over the past several years, we have completed additions and upgrades to these and many of our other school facilities to ensure that our students have the absolute best environment for success in the classroom.
….providing outstanding professional development for our teachers including our annual Teaching and Learning in Two Conference, “Sustaining the Work of TLTs” Conference, instructional coaches on every campus, in-person opportunities in our District and at our local colleges, and multiple online opportunities. To grow the leadership capacity in our school district, we continue to implement the D2 LEADs Academy to provide relevant leadership learning opportunities to D2 educators who aspire to become school and district-level administrators. Over the past three years, approximately 100 teachers have graduated from USC Upstate with a Master’s Degree in Applied Learning and Instruction, a District-funded opportunity made possible by D2’s collaboration with USC Upstate.
….the collaboration of our teachers and staff with parents and students in ongoing Response to Intervention (RtI) discussions to meet individual learning needs of struggling students. Much of this is accomplished through our Teaching and Learning Teams’ (TLTs) approach to regularly using data to revise our instructional practices.
….achievement results on state and national high-stakes tests that have continually put us in the top ten districts in South Carolina and above the national average. The results from the 2023-24 school year includes a graduation rate over 90% and a continued high percentage of students who are college or career ready. In addition, many of our students graduate with multiple hours of dual or AP credit already earned, including a number who have been awarded an Associate’s degree through the Spartanburg County Early College High School, a collaborative effort of all seven Spartanburg school districts.
….offering outstanding fine arts and athletic programs in band, orchestra, chorus, drama, art and over 24 different athletic teams including everything from football to fishing.
….our Career and Technology Education (CATE) program headlined by Swofford Career Center, a collaborative effort with Spartanburg One, that offers 15 career majors.
….our growing work with students in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) activities and competitive teams. We continue to offer project-based learning opportunities that span from kindergarten to high school classrooms as well as rigorous, interactive Project Lead the Way courses.
….our students’ use of the 1:1 computer technology we have provided for the past eleven years from grades K-12. Students in grades K&1 are provided with a 1:1 device to use at school. Chromebooks are provided for students in grades 6-12 and iPads for elementary students.
….our constant reinforcement of and opportunities for students to demonstrate the soft skills employers, including us, desire from staff.
Lance Radford, Superintendent