Montessori Community School (MCS) is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing an authentic Montessori environment in which students have the resources, support and guidance to construct their learning and development.
MCS students develop the qualities of perseverance, self-efficacy and a work ethic through a rigorous academic program, community service and independent learning. The Montessori methodology encourages collaboration and team work to develop critical thinking, problem-solving and interpersonal skills. Students are provided many opportunities for choice and creativity, enhancing student ownership of their learning. During their three year cycle in each classroom, students hone leadership and interpersonal skills.
Keys to the success of students in a Montessori environment begin in the Primary classroom when students develop the skills to become independent learners. As they advance through the levels, using individualized plans and independent work time during the school day, the students practice time-management and practical skills related to life and career success – work completion, cooperation, conflict mediation, focus and self-regulation. Teachers and the use of Montessori materials also foster intrinsic motivation and self-direction in students at all age levels.
A strength at MCS is collaborative work among the students. Students at Montessori Community School are given collaborative opportunities with their peers throughout each school day. A critical component in the success of those collaborative opportunities is that teachers have explicitly taught students how to interact and problem-solve with one another. Students at MCS may work together during their daily work cycles and on assigned or self-selected projects.
The impact of the programs in place and the work done by students shows in their academic performance. In 2018-2019, 34% of 4th through 6th grade students and 56% of 7th grader students qualified for the Duke Talent Identification Program. 33% of 8th grade students were named Junior Scholars. All (100%) of enrolled students passed the Algebra I and Spanish I End of Course exams. School-wide, 60.7% of students met their MAP Math goals and 60.4% of students met their MAP Reading goals. On AdvancED surveys, 74.39% of students in grades 3-5 indicated that they were cognitively "committed" (the highest level of engagement) and 80.49% were emotionally "committed" to MCS. In grades 6-8, 61.76% of students were cognitively "committed" and 70.59% were emotionally "committed".
MCS embodies a community spirit among students, parents and faculty. A shared philosophy toward learning and a commitment to Montessori education has enabled us to have a common vision for our MCS students and a strong, positive school culture.
Kimberly Hay, Principal
Meredith Johnson, SIC Chair