Berkeley Middle School (BMS) is a diverse 6th through 8th-grade middle school that serves the Moncks Corner community by providing an academic curriculum and extracurricular activities for over 1,300 students. 120 dedicated faculty and staff members work daily to provide our students with a positive learning experience in a safe, caring, and inclusive environment. BMS is recognized as a Unified Champion School for creating an environment where every student is accepted and respected. The Unified Program at BMS provides students with opportunities in PE, Music, and Art.
Our school is helping all students develop the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by challenging them with a rigorous curriculum provided through quality teaching, support, enrichment, and reinforcement from our teachers. BMS promotes world-class knowledge by offering Carnegie Units for Algebra 1, English 1, Spanish 1, and CS Discoveries. Nearly 300 students were enrolled in these courses, with a passing rate of 93% on the EOC exams. Students were also provided with opportunities for remediation of specific standards through the use of our ASSIST Labs.
Students at BMS are provided opportunities to express their artistic creativity through a strong fine and performing arts department consisting of chorus, band, strings, and visual arts course offerings. These classes in collaboration with the 8th-grade social studies department produced another successful Harlem Renaissance Show, providing a historical look at the popular culture and art of this era.
BMS students are afforded numerous opportunities to develop life and career characteristics throughout the school year. Career Day inspired student understanding of the global workforce by providing community speakers from the military, law enforcement, food and beverage, STEM, and many other areas of the workforce. BMS students contributed to the community through their efforts in activities such as Relay for Life, Hoops for Heart, Pennies for Patients, and the Carolina versus Clemson Food Drive. BMS expanded opportunities for students to develop interpersonal skills and leadership through FCA, Beta Club, Lunch Buddies, and They Call Me Miss and They Call Me Mr. mentor groups
BMS is thankful for the continuing support of our business partners including Santee Cooper, Berkeley Electric Cooperative, Chic-fil-a, and Bojangles. Through these partnerships, we are able to provide mentoring for our at-risk students, student incentive programs, and technology opportunities.
The administration, faculty, and staff of BMS are committed to working with our stakeholders to accomplish our mission of providing a positive culture and producing successful citizens!
Mike Wilkerson Jennifer Fisher
Principal School Improvement Council Chair