Ashley Ridge High School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by developing collaboration and communication between all stakeholders. Ashley Ridge High School challenges students through creativity and innovation as well as collaboration and teamwork. It is our mission to provide educational opportunities in a safe, supportive environment which fosters pride, inspires excellence, promotes respect and builds strong relationships in all of our graduates. Our commitment to creating college and career ready graduates is evidenced by our students’ success. The Class of 2019 earned over 22.5 million dollars in scholarships, and over 91% of our graduates earned a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum Work Ready Certificate. Additionally, 298 students were awarded the Palmetto Fellows, Life and Hope Scholarships.
Ashley Ridge High School provides graduates with world-class knowledge by providing rigorous standards in language arts and math for college and career readiness. Students are offered stringent coursework through Dual Credit, Advanced Placement, Honors, and Project Lead the Way classes. In addition, a partnership created between our school and Trident Technical College for the Early College Program as well as our partnership with ECPI allow students to earn certifications and degrees upon successful completion of the programs. We had 18 seniors earn an Associate’s Degree from Trident Technical College. There are 135 students enrolled in at least one dual credit course and 1050 AP exams taken in the spring of 2019. This year we continued scheduling Independent Learning Time (ILT) and Structured Learning Time (SLT). ILT encourages students to utilize their time to meet their educational needs. Students can use ILT for one-on-one tutoring with teachers, retaking assessments, completing and making-up assignments, collaboration with peers for the completion of projects, club/extracurricular meetings, meeting with counselors, and relationship building with the adults within the school. Additionally, all students at ARHS were invited to attend Saturday School sessions (Academic Overtime) that allowed them the opportunity to make up assessments and other work and complete recovery. Teachers, counselors, and administrators were available to assist students in their efforts on these days. ARHS also has a Prevention and Intervention (P&I) department that consists of 2 administrators, 2 school counselors, and an administrative assistant. As a group, they focus on assisting students who do not have the required number of credits to advance to the next grade and/or graduate within four years. These students are offered support in many ways – an on-campus mentoring program which offers another layer of support from other trusted adults in the building; specialized schedules that will help them get back on track; and evening school where these students can earn additional credits through APEX and SC Virtual School.
The Ashley Ridge graduate encompasses the world class skills of creativity and innovation, critical thinking, and collaboration. Creativity is fostered through the Horticulture program’s development of working garden space and an animal herd. Ashley Ridge High School maintains active Project Lead the Way and Career and Technology Education programs which encourage collaboration and critical thinking. The Ashley Ridge HOSA Program competed at the state leadership conference. Over 14 students placed in the top 3 in various competitions at the state level. Ten HOSA students travelled to Orlando to compete at the international level. Six out of the ten students placed in the top ten in the world. We have a group of students working on their Pharmacy Tech certification. This will allow our students to find full-time employment in a pharmacy. The Ashley Ridge Band earned the prestigious SCBDA Outstanding Performance Award. The AFROTC earned the Distinguished Unit Award this year. Each year, the student body of Ashley Ridge hosts Swamp Fest, a field day for all students with disabilities from across the district. All stakeholders are involved in the planning and execution of this collaborative effort. It is truly a learning experience for all students involved.
Graduates from Ashley Ridge have been equipped with appropriate life and career characteristics in order to be both college and career ready. Students are offered the opportunity to develop integrity, self-direction and interpersonal skills through an incredibly active and involved leadership program, Ashley Ridge 101 series of tutorials, a RAMP certified school counseling program and the various clubs and organizations which meet monthly during the school day throughout the school year. Student achievement and community service is celebrated through the Jefferson Leadership program on a quarterly basis. This success is indicative of the type of student leadership and community awareness that is present at AR. All students create Individualized Graduation Plans in order to be prepared for college and career readiness.
Ashley Ridge High School graduates students who encompass world class skills and life and career characteristics. The Ashley Ridge graduate is prepared to enter the world of work, military, or post-secondary education equipped with the skills needed in order to find success. The Ashley Ridge graduate is college and career ready. We ARe AR!
Karen Radcliffe, Principal
Toya Richardson, School Improvement Council Chair