The Military Magnet Academy is committed to helping all students seize the opportunities available through meaningful post-secondary careers by assuring they have a world-class skill set and embody the life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate, including collaboration and communication. It is our mission to prepare students to become competent, disciplined, and responsible citizens. We are creating an educational environment that will challenge and positively impact our cadet scholars daily. Our intent on building a true learning partnership with our cadet scholars, parents, and community stakeholders will provide a foundation for success in today’s world of high technology, and support our continued vision of creating leaders in the 21st century.
At the Military Magnet Academy, all of our cadet scholars' needs are addressed by providing both remediation and enrichment programs that support the South Carolina Department of Education and the Charleston County School District's expectations of teaching and learning. Interventions are provided through computer-assisted instruction including Read180, Achieve3000, NoRedInk, IXL, as well as ALEKS to address areas of growth in Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Studies.
As a school, our focus is on promoting 21st world-class skills, fostering a nurturing safe environment for children, using data to inform instruction, and consistently implementing instructional strategies to increase students’ achievement. This has resulted in a decrease of 5% - 20% in the number of 6th – 8th grade cadets performing below the 21st percentile in both Mathematics and English assessments, coupled with increases in high school in the percentage of students scoring C or higher on end-of-course assessments, including an increase of 2.1 points in Algebra 1, 4.9 points in English I, and 14.2 points in U.S. History, as well as more than 80% of our cadets identified as college and career ready. All of these improvements support the expectations of future South Carolina graduates. Additional opportunities include shared work experiences with local businesses and organizations, increased participation and certifications in career and technology education work paths, and a successful collaboration with Trident Technical College that provides our cadets with dual high school and college credit in English, Mathematics, and World Languages, as well as Advanced Placement credit in Human Geography.
Our faculty and staff have spent many hours participating in professional development learning around building better relationships with our scholars, sharing instructional best practices for differentiating instruction, and implementing technology in our learning environments. At the Military Magnet Academy, we believe the school, family, and community must share the educational responsibility of our cadets. Thank you for all of your support in helping the development of our future South Carolina graduates and world leaders!
Robert L. Perrineau, Jr., Principal
Kenneth Wright, SIC Chair