Rosewood Elementary School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by incorporating highly effective teaching strategies in the classroom and providing rigorous standards-based instruction by a highly qualified faculty to meet the diverse learning needs of all our students.
Rosewood students are exposed to world class skills such as creativity and innovation through differentiated curriculum and instruction, language instruction in Spanish, and the infusion of visual arts, music, technology, and character education throughout the curriculum. Students in grades 3 – 5 may participate in gifted and talented programs. Students in need of additional academic assistance may participate in our afterschool program. Critical thinking and problem solving are promoted at all grade levels through authentic and engaging learning experiences. Active learning in science occurs through inquiry-based instruction. Learning is enhanced through technology use to include classroom computers, laptops for all students in grades 3 -5, computer labs, iPads, and our video conferencing unit. Extracurricular activities include chorus, strings, German club, and Girls on the Run.
Through daily learning experiences, community service opportunities, and school-wide behavioral expectations, students are exposed to a variety of life and career characteristics. Our guidance program fosters the development of positive character traits and peaceful conflict resolution skills. Positive character traits are recognized through activities such as “Eagle of the Month” and participation in safety patrol. Service learning is promoted through grade level projects for organizations such as Harvest Hope, Animal Missions, March of Dimes, the American Heart Association, and Red Cross. Our emphasis on health, nutrition, and physical activity was recognized with a bronze award in the Healthier US School Challenge and also with a National Healthy Schools Bronze Award.
Our school is fortunate to have many parents, local businesses, neighborhood associations, and community members who volunteer and participate in our school community through activities such as International Walk to School Day, Science Night, Spring Picnic, Rosewood Readers, and Math Mentors. Engagement of our parents and support from our community continues to enhance school climate, promote student achievement, and contribute to our success.
Elizabeth Williams, Principal
Jay Rogers, SIC Chairman