Midland Elementary School is helping all students develop the world-class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by continuing to provide a safe and academically challenging learning environment. We continued to implement our Growing at Midland theme. Our teachers increased levels of academic excellence as we worked toward learning for all. We fully implemented Imagine It!, Every Day Math, science kits, small group guided reading, Achieve 3000, ALEK Math, DIBELS Next, and math and reading interventionists. Staff development included the integration of technology through blended learning, mathematical practices, engagement structures, interventions in literacy, and phonics based instruction. We are blessed to celebrate a strong history of academic success. At Midland Elementary we expanded programs outside the academic world to focus on the development of the whole child. Our Midland Masterminds represented us in robotics, multimedia, photography, Student Council and drama. Our Robotics Team participants placed in our district level technology fair. School-wide we focused on engagement structures. Our students celebrated reading through our Summer Reading program and our Million Book Project. Students gave back to the community by participating in Jump Rope for Heart. The Parent Teacher Organization continued to be a very integral part of another successful year. They provided resources for our staff and students including: study trip needs, student celebrations, Fine Arts Day, Field Day, and Teacher Appreciation. We continue to be very proud of our school and community. Thanks for your continued support in allowing us to serve your children.
Sherry Brown, SIC Chairperson
Jennifer Parker, Principal