Kingston Elementary School assists all students in developing world class skills along with life and career characteristics from the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. This is accomplished while providing a safe, caring, nurturing, and academically challenging learning environment. We provide such an environment through the implementation of our school mission: Kingston Elementary School, serving a diverse family-oriented community, strives to provide a personalized college and career ready curriculum so that all students are prepared to reach their full potential as responsible and productive citizens. We demonstrate this mission by challenging our students with best practices to reach their full potential and by the continuous professional development of our teachers. Success for today, preparation for tomorrow.
Our teachers are always seeking to improve curriculum implementation and to learn new and effective strategies to use in the classroom. We accomplish this through Everyday Math professional development, science kit trainings, small group reading instruction trainings and our work on student engagement with John Antonetti, a consultant with Colleagues on Call. In addition, we promote critical thinking and problem solving skills through the blended learning model and the use of Document Based Questions in our third through fifth grade classrooms. Collaboration and team work is fostered in our K-2 curriculum through the use of workstations and technology based projects. Rigorous standards in ELA and Math for career and college preparedness are provided through cross-grade level math focus classes based on RIT ranges, M3 for gifted learners, and Reading Intervention programs consisting of BURST, Passport and Language!. We are proud of our academic successes.
At Kingston Elementary we have various programs outside the academic world to focus on the development of the whole child. School-wide we have focused on being “Respectful, Responsible, and Ready”. We believe it is imperative that our students learn the value of being respectful, responsible, and ready at school and home. This program rewards our students for displaying positive behaviors thru Quarterly Behavior Incentives. Our first through fifth grade students participated in a school and district technology fair and Rubik's Cube Club. Students in 2nd-5th grades were very active in our after-school art club where they worked on art projects and techniques such as: drawings, 3-dimensional art, mixed media, clay, explorations with sand, sewing, and textile art. Our K-Kids Club worked on several service learning projects including knitting caps for babies in the local hospitals, growing a vegetable garden, and fleece blankets for Hospice. Kingston’s 5th grade chorus was very active in singing at school and community events.
Kingston Elementary students, staff, and parents are supporters of the March of Dimes. This year we raised approximately $2,000, surpassing our school goal. Kingston Elementary also organized a community outreach event to support families impacted by Hurricane Florence and the floodings. At Kingston Elementary we believe the school, family, and community must share the educational responsibility of our children. Thank you for all your support in helping with the development of our future South Carolina graduates and world leaders!
Dawn N Brooks, Principal
Nicki Batson, SIC Chair