Monarch Elementary is helping all students develop world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum using a project-based learning (PBL) framework and a Health Science focus. The school tagline, “Celebrating Inquiry, Innovation and Creativity”, is evidenced through authentic experiences, experts-on-site, real-world audiences, technology integration and career explorations, all of which is facilitated in a LEED-certified facility. A partnership with Prisma Health and generous contributions from Friends of Monarch and the Roper Mountain Science Center provide students with these inquiry-rich experiences. Monarch earned one of South Carolina’s highest achievements with the receipt of the Palmetto’s Finest Schools Award. Monarch has also been recognized as a TransformSC campus for meeting the Gold Standards for PBL.
The character education program at Monarch is adapted from Ophelia Project's Elementary Curriculum. Let’s Be Friends, our character education program, is overseen by our school counselors. Students participate in role-play scenarios, brainstorming, and group projects to practice character-building behaviors. This program celebrates the unique personalities and abilities of our students, with a focus on discovering their strengths.
Monarch’s Health Science focus is evident through a variety of programs. The Healthy Choices Café serves low-fat, healthy meals that are prepared fresh daily. Parents support this initiative by providing healthy choices such as fruit kabobs and trail mix for celebrations and other special events. Students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade use rocking chairs designed by the Pediatric Therapy Network and Brain Breaks are incorporated throughout the school day in an effort to support healthy movement.
Monarch has a high level of parental involvement with a supportive PTA that is an integral part of school-life. The PTA welcomes all families and other interested stakeholders to participate in numerous volunteer opportunities. During 2018-2019 Monarch logged 13,649 volunteer hours.
Monarch is fortunate to have a dedicated School Improvement Council. In addition to focusing on “Lunch and Learn” programs, SIC was an essential part of updating the School Portfolio based on AdvancED standards. The level of input provided shaped specific strategies in our Action Plan. SIC has worked this school year to improve safety by partnering with PTA and volunteers to purchase a speed monitoring radar sign for the front of the school. The sign monitors the speed of cars driving past the school and encourages drivers to slow down and stay within the posted speed limit.
Students benefit from a technology-rich campus. Students in grades 3-5 have 1:1 Chromebooks, and students in grades kindergarten through third have 1:1 Chromebooks or iPads. The initiative promotes inquiry and allows students to check-out eBooks. Technology allows students to work collaboratively using Google Classroom and other components of the Google Suite and to research for PBL. WKID, the Monarch morning show, is written and produced by students.
Monarch Elementary is laying the foundation for students to be academically advantaged and prepared for future endeavors.
Mrs. Vaughan Overman Principal
Brian Godfrey, SIC Chair