Brushy Creek Elementary School is helping all students develop world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by continuing our tradition of academic excellence, providing a family friendly environment for learning, and working collaboratively with our parents and community members to teach the “whole child” to succeed. “Building a Community of Excellence One Student at a Time” is our school motto developed with input from our PTA, SIC, teachers, and students. Our motto represents our commitment to ensuring that our students receive the best education in an environment where student learning and achievement will always be our top priority.
Brushy Creek Elementary School has a long history of excellence in education and care for students with a strong involvement from the community. During the 2018-19 school year, this tradition has continued through the efforts of our staff, students, parents, and community leaders working together to maintain a high standard of excellence while focusing on continuous improvement.
As a part of our continuous improvement, we are proud of the accomplishments and honors that we have received for the 2018-19 school year. Brushy Creek Elementary achieved “excellent” report card ratings for Academic Achievement and Preparing for Success on SCReady and SCPASS testing. Additionally, the percentage of Brushy Creek’s students scoring Meets or Exceeds Expectations on SCReady and SCPASS exceeded the district and state in all subject areas and at all grade levels . We feel passionate that our total school program is a reflection of our motto “Building a Community of Excellence One Student at a Time.”
Our school exemplifies quality education in South Carolina because our school culture ensures that students feel safe as they learn and experience success. Brushy Creek has a supportive community, dedicated parental involvement, and intentional planning for the implementation of a quality educational program. Our PTA raised over $15,000 through partnerships and community participation in a variety of fundraising events and activities. We are appreciative of the commitment from our Brushy Creek family and for their endless support of our programs and school goals.
Our teachers and staff members’ commitment to providing our students with a high quality education is evident through this year’s professional development in the areas of technology integration and literacy best practices. We believe in order to improve our effectiveness as educators we must stay abreast of instructional best practices to improve teaching and learning and increase student achievement. It is our goal to continue to implement these practices into our instructional program with fidelity and pervasiveness so that our students will be prepared to meet the challenges of 21st century learning.