Estill Middle School (EMS) is equipping all students with world-class skills, as well as, the life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. At EMS, we are committed to providing a safe, caring, and academically challenging learning environment. EMS has made adjustments to both instructional practices and curriculum. During the 2017-18 school year, Estill Middle School adopted a mantra that was used to guide our school through the school’s year. This mantra continues to promote our change theory for student achievement. We know that for our school to be a “world-class rural school,” we have to be develop, implement, and monitor a managed instructional and performance based model. This commitment involved the implementation of an aligned management system for continuous improvement, in addition to, differentiated compensation and recognition based on demonstrated effectiveness for our student’s growth and achievement.
We challenge our teachers to seek 21st-century strategies to promote student engagement in the classroom: such as, the use of anchor maps to help build study skills, thinking maps, science kits, guided reading, flexible grouping, and differentiated instruction. Accelerated Reader/Math, Math and Reading Intervention resources, and Gizmo are few ways that technology has been infused into all subject areas. We are deliberate in delivering academic rigor in all content areas.
At Estill Middle School we provide for our entire learning community. On occasion, we have invited community shareholders in to share in the educational responsibility for all students as we develop world class leaders. We value the home-school partnership as an important component in the education of our children. Research shows that there is a direct correlation between parental involvement and student achievement; thus, meeting the needs of all of our students, their families, and the community is key to the quality of education in our school and the supports the academic success of our students. EMS solicits support and participation in our school activities throughout the year. By building strong partnerships, we can continue working toward well-educated and inspired students. We recognize that we’re a diamond in the rough, but we will continue to etch out opportunities for excellence.
Estill Middle has various programs that focus on the development of all children in all areas. This year, we continue to use the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) program to help motivate students. This program rewards our students for displaying positive behaviors inside and outside of the classroom. Estill Middle School remains dedicated to project-based learning and individualized learning (1:1). Our goal is to promote academic excellence and cultural awareness through increased student engagement. To achieve these goals, students receive a more personalized education which provides them with academic knowledge and assists in socio-academic development.
Johnnie Miller Jr., EMS Principal