Conway High, a school rich with pride and traditions, has a diverse population and serves as a hub for the Conway community. The 2017-18 school year focused on expanding programs that help students develop the 21st-century skills needed to be college and career ready. Our school helps all students develop the World Class Skills identified on the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by integrating technology in all academic areas and by implementing a STEM program that allows students to apply the skills needed to be successful in the global workforce.
While we know there is always room for improvement, Conway High is proud of the academic gains of our students. As achievement data indicates, this school year was a successful one. In US History and English I, over 70% of students had a passing score on end-of-course exams, and the passing rate in both areas increased from the previous year. We also experienced growth in our Advanced Placement (AP) program, which saw 64.5% of students qualify for college credit by scoring a 3 or higher on an AP exam. Furthermore, we celebrate a 100% passage rate in AP 2-Dimensional Art. Conway is also proud of the continued growth of our STEM program, a program that offers opportunities for students in Engineering, Sports Medicine, Biomedical Science, Veterinary Science and Pharmacy Technology, which had a 100% pass rate on the state certification exam during the 2017-18 school year.
Conway High School offers many extracurricular opportunities in athletics and the arts that help students grow into well-rounded adults. During the 2017-18 school year, our football, basketball, volleyball, baseball and softball teams advanced to regional playoffs, and the football team won the regional championship title. In the fine arts, our students participated in theatre, band and visual art performances and competitions throughout the school year that culminated in the theatrical production of Les Miserables.
Our school received numerous accolades that reflect the positive direction in which our school is heading, such as:
Carlton Terry, CHS head football coach, was recognized as Class 5A Region VI Coach of the Year and Class 5A Lower State Coach of the Year.
Raiquan O’Neal was named Class 5A Region VI and Class 5A Lower State Defensive Player of the Year.
Nine choral students qualified for All-State Chorus, and one student qualified for All-Regional Band.
The RoboTigers, our robotics team, competed in the Palmetto Regional FIRST Robotics Competition.
Jimmy Nichols was named Region VI Player of the Year and played in the South Carolina/North Carolina All Star Classic. Nichols was also a finalist for the SC Gatorade Player of the Year and was named WPDE Mr. Hoops Zone for the second year.
Jenecia Hemingway was named a member of the Sun News Toast of the Coast Softball Team and was named an All State Player for Region VI.
The theatre department won Best Costume Design and received an Excellent rating at the All County Theatre competition.
The FFA Floriculture team won 3rd place at state competition. Participants were Keon Singletary, Balley Wiedrich, Lauryn Woodle and Tempest Reck.
Lenaejha Evans was named a member WPDE Girls All-Zone Team.
Dylan Rush was named a 2018 U.S. Presidential Scholar.
Conway Tiger Anglers Chandler Brown and Austin Winburn were named BASS High School State Champions.
Shawn Brown received an award for Outstanding Actor at the All County Theatre competition.
Dr. James Berry was named the 2018 Most Valuable Athletic Trainer by Training and Conditioning Magazine.
J. Lee James, Principal Leslie McIver, SIC Chairman